The ovaries hurt a lot while taking approx. Why does ovarian pain appear after canceling ok? Treatment of cysts with oral contraceptives


From previous publications, we know about the abortive effect of hormonal contraceptives (GC, OC). Recently, in the media, you can find reviews of women affected by the side effects of OK, we will give a couple of them at the end of the article. To illuminate this issue, we turned to the doctor who prepared this information for the ABC of Health, and also translated for us fragments of articles with foreign studies of side effects of HA.

Side effects of hormonal contraceptives.

The actions of hormonal contraceptives, like other drugs, are determined by the properties of the substances they contain. Most birth control pills prescribed for routine contraception contain 2 types of hormones: one progestogen and one estrogen.


Gestagens \u003d progestogens \u003d progestins- hormones that are produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries (formation on the surface of the ovaries that appears after ovulation - the release of the egg), in small quantities - by the adrenal cortex, and during pregnancy - by the placenta. The main gestagen is progesterone.

The name of the hormones reflects their main function - "pro gestation" \u003d "to [maintain] pregnancy" by restructuring the endothelium of the uterus in a state necessary for the development of a fertilized egg. The physiological effects of gestagens are grouped into three main groups.

  1. Vegetative effect. It is expressed in the suppression of the proliferation of the endometrium, caused by the action of estrogens, and its secretory transformation, which is very important for a normal menstrual cycle. When pregnancy occurs, gestagens suppress ovulation, lower the tone of the uterus, reducing its excitability and contractility ("protector" of pregnancy). Progestins are responsible for the "maturation" of the mammary glands.
  2. Generative action. In small doses, progestins increase the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is responsible for ovarian follicular maturation and ovulation. In high doses, gestagens block both FSH and LH (luteinizing hormone, which is involved in the synthesis of androgens, and together with FSH provides ovulation and progesterone synthesis). Gestagens affect the center of thermoregulation, which is manifested by an increase in temperature.
  3. General action. Under the influence of gestagens, amine nitrogen in the blood plasma decreases, the excretion of amino acids increases, the secretion of gastric juice increases, and the secretion of bile slows down.

Oral contraceptives contain various gestagens. For a while, it was thought that there was no difference between progestins, but it is now well known that the difference in molecular structure provides a variety of effects. In other words, progestogens differ in spectrum and in the severity of additional properties, but the 3 groups of physiological effects described above are inherent in all of them. The characteristics of modern progestins are shown in the table.

Pronounced or very pronounced gestagenic effect is inherent in all progestogens. The gestagenic effect refers to the main groups of properties that were mentioned earlier.

Androgenic activity not characteristic of many drugs, its result is a decrease in the amount of "good" cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) and an increase in the concentration of "bad" cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). As a result, the risk of developing atherosclerosis increases. In addition, virilization symptoms (male secondary sexual characteristics) appear.

Explicit antiandrogenic effect only three drugs have. This effect has a positive meaning - improving the condition of the skin (cosmetic side of the issue).

Antimineralocorticoid activity associated with an increase in urine output, sodium excretion, and a decrease in blood pressure.

Glucocorticoid effect affects the metabolism: there is a decrease in the body's sensitivity to insulin (the risk of diabetes mellitus), the synthesis of fatty acids and triglycerides increases (the risk of obesity).


Another ingredient in birth control pills is estrogen.

Estrogens - female sex hormones, which are produced by ovarian follicles and the adrenal cortex (and in men, also by the testes). There are three main estrogens: estradiol, estriol, estrone.

Physiological effects of estrogen:

- proliferation (growth) of the endometrium and myometrium by the type of their hyperplasia and hypertrophy;

- development of genitals and secondary sexual characteristics (feminization);

- suppression of lactation;

- inhibition of resorption (destruction, resorption) of bone tissue;

- procoagulant effect (increased blood clotting);

- increasing the content of HDL ("good" cholesterol) and triglycerides, reducing the amount of LDL ("bad" cholesterol);

- sodium and water retention in the body (and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure);

- ensuring the acidic environment of the vagina (normal pH 3.8-4.5) and the growth of lactobacilli;

- strengthening the production of antibodies and the activity of phagocytes, increasing the body's resistance to infections.

Estrogens in oral contraceptives are needed to control the menstrual cycle; they do not take part in protecting against unwanted pregnancy. Ethinyl estradiol (EE) is the most common form of tablets.

Mechanisms of action of oral contraceptives

So, given the main properties of gestagens and estrogens, the following mechanisms of action of oral contraceptives can be distinguished:

1) inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropic homones (due to gestagens);

2) a change in the pH of the vagina to a more acidic side (the effect of estrogen);

3) increased viscosity of cervical mucus (gestagens);

4) the phrase "egg implantation" used in instructions and manuals, which hides from women the abortive effect of HA.

Gynecologist's comment on the abortive mechanism of action of hormonal contraceptives

When implanted into the wall of the uterus, the embryo is a multicellular organism (blastocyst). An egg (even a fertilized one) is never implanted. Implantation takes place 5-7 days after fertilization. Therefore, what is called an egg in the instructions is actually not an egg at all, but an embryo.

Unwanted estrogen ...

In the course of a thorough study of hormonal contraceptives and their effect on the body, it was concluded that undesirable effects are associated to a greater extent with the influence of estrogens. Therefore, the less the amount of estrogen in the pill, the fewer side effects, but it is not possible to completely eliminate them. It was these conclusions that pushed scientists to the invention of new, more advanced drugs, and to replace oral contraceptives, in which the amount of the estrogen component was measured in milligrams, came tablets with estrogen content in micrograms ( 1 milligram [ mg] \u003d 1000 micrograms [ mcg]). There are currently 3 generations of birth control pills. The division into generations is due to both the change in the amount of estrogen in the drugs and the introduction of newer progesterone analogues into the tablets.

The first generation of contraceptives includes "Enovid", "Infecundin", "Bisekurin". These drugs have been widely used since their discovery, but later their androgenic effects were noticed, manifested in coarsening of the voice, growth of facial hair (virilization).

The second generation drugs include "Microgenon", "Rigevidon", "Trigol", "Triziston" and others.

The most frequently used and widespread drugs are the third generation: "Logest", "Merisilon", "Regulon", "Novinet", "Diane-35", "Janin", "Yarina" and others. A significant advantage of these drugs is their antiandrogenic activity, which is most pronounced in Diane-35.

The study of the properties of estrogens and the conclusion that they are the main source of side effects from the use of hormonal contraceptives led scientists to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating drugs with an optimal reduction in the dose of estrogen in them. It is impossible to completely remove estrogens from the composition, since they play an important role in maintaining a normal menstrual cycle.

In this regard, the division of hormonal contraceptives into high-, low- and micro-dosage drugs has appeared.

High-dose (EE \u003d 40-50 μg per tablet).

  • "Non-ovlon"
  • Ovidon and others
  • Not used for contraceptive purposes.

Low-dose (EE \u003d 30-35 mcg per tablet).

  • "Marvelon"
  • "Janine"
  • "Yarina"
  • "Femoden"
  • "Diane-35" and others

Microdose (EE \u003d 20 μg per tablet)

  • "Logest"
  • Mercilon
  • "Novinet"
  • "Minisiston 20 Fem" "Jess" and others

Side effects of hormonal contraceptives

Side effects from the use of oral contraceptives are always detailed in the instructions for use.

Since the side effects from the use of various contraceptive pills are about the same, it makes sense to consider them, highlighting the main (severe) and less severe.

Some manufacturers list conditions that should be stopped immediately if they occur. These conditions include the following:

  1. Arterial hypertension.
  2. Hemolytic uremic syndrome, manifested by a triad of symptoms: acute renal failure, hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count).
  3. Porphyria is a disease in which hemoglobin synthesis is disrupted.
  4. Hearing loss due to otosclerosis (fixation of the ossicles, which should normally be mobile).

Almost all manufacturers refer to thromboembolism as rare or very rare side effects. But this grave condition deserves special attention.

Thromboembolism is a blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus. This is an acutely emerging condition that requires qualified assistance. Thromboembolism cannot occur out of the blue, it requires special "conditions" - risk factors or existing vascular diseases.

Risk factors for thrombosis (the formation of blood clots inside the vessels - thrombi - interfering with the free, laminar blood flow):

- age over 35;

- smoking (!);

- high level of estrogen in the blood (which occurs when taking oral contraceptives);

- increased blood clotting, which is observed with a deficiency of antithrombin III, proteins C and S, dysfibrinogenemia, Markiafava-Micelli disease;

- trauma and extensive operations in the past;

- venous congestion with a sedentary lifestyle;

- obesity;

- varicose veins of the legs;

- lesions of the valve apparatus of the heart;

- atrial fibrillation, angina pectoris;

- diseases of the cerebral vessels (including transient ischemic attack) or coronary vessels;

- arterial hypertension of moderate or severe degree;

- connective tissue diseases (collagenosis), and primarily systemic lupus erythematosus;

- hereditary predisposition to thrombosis (thrombosis, myocardial infarction, impaired cerebral circulation in close blood relatives).

When these risk factors are present, a woman who takes hormonal birth control pills has a significantly increased risk of developing thromboembolism. The risk of thromboembolism increases with thrombosis of any localization, both present and past; with myocardial infarction and stroke.

Thromboembolism, whatever localization it may be, is a serious complication.

… Coronary vessels → myocardial infarction
… Cerebral vessels → stroke
… Deep veins of the legs → trophic ulcers and gangrene
... pulmonary artery (PE) or its branches → from lung infarction to shock
Thromboembolism ... ... hepatic vessels → liver dysfunction, Budd-Chiari syndrome
... mesenteric vessels → ischemic bowel disease, intestinal gangrene
... renal vessels
... retinal vessels (retinal vessels)

In addition to thromboembolism, there are other, less severe, but still inconvenient side effects. For example, candidiasis (thrush)... Hormonal contraceptives increase the acidity of the vagina, and fungi thrive in an acidic environment, in particular Candidaalbicans, which is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism.

A significant side effect is sodium retention, and with it water, in the body. This can lead to edema and weight gain... Reduced carbohydrate tolerance, as a side effect of hormone pills, increases the risk of diabetes mellitus.

Other side effects, such as decreased mood, mood swings, increased appetite, nausea, upset stools, fatigue, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands and some others, although not severe, however, affect the quality of life of a woman.

In the instructions for the use of hormonal contraceptives, in addition to side effects, contraindications are listed.

Contraceptives without estrogen

Exist gestagenic contraceptives ("Mini-drank")... In their composition, judging by the name, only progestogen. But this group of drugs has its own indications:

- contraception for lactating women (they should not be prescribed estrogen-progestogen drugs, because estrogen suppresses lactation);

- prescribed for women who have given birth (since the main mechanism of action of "mini-pili" is suppression of ovulation, which is undesirable for nulliparous);

- in late reproductive age;

- if there are contraindications to the use of estrogens.

In addition, these drugs also have side effects and contraindications.

Particular attention should be paid to “ emergency contraception "... These drugs contain either a gestagen (Levonorgestrel) or an antiprogestin (Mifepristone) in a large dose. The main mechanisms of action of these drugs are inhibition of ovulation, thickening of cervical mucus, acceleration of desquamation (desquamation) of the functional layer of the endometrium in order to prevent the attachment of a fertilized egg. And Mifepristone has an additional effect - increasing the tone of the uterus. Therefore, a single use of a large dose of these drugs has a very strong one-time effect on the ovaries, after taking the pills for emergency contraception, there can be serious and prolonged menstrual irregularities. Women who regularly use these drugs are at great risk to their health.

Foreign studies of side effects of GC

Interesting studies on the side effects of hormonal contraceptives have been carried out in foreign countries. Below are excerpts from several reviews (translated by the author of the article fragments of foreign articles)

Oral contraceptives and the risk of venous thrombosis

May 2001


Hormonal contraception is used by over 100 million women worldwide. The number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases (venous and arterial) among young, low-risk patients - nonsmoking women from 20 to 24 years of age - is observed worldwide in the range from 2 to 6 per year per one million, depending on the region of residence, assumed cardiovascular -vascular risk and on the volume of screening studies that were carried out before prescribing contraceptives. While the risk of venous thrombosis is more important in younger patients, the risk of arterial thrombosis is more relevant in older patients. Among older women who smoke using oral contraceptives, the number of deaths ranges from 100 to just over 200 per million each year.

Reducing the estrogen dose decreased the risk of venous thrombosis. Third-generation progestins in combined oral contraceptives have increased the incidence of adverse hemolytic changes and the risk of thrombus formation, and therefore should not be prescribed as first-choice drugs for newcomers to hormonal contraception.

Reasonable use of hormonal contraceptives, including avoiding their use by women who have risk factors, in most cases is absent. In New Zealand, a series of deaths from PE was investigated, and often the cause was an unreported risk.

Reasonable prescribing can prevent arterial thrombosis. Almost all women who had myocardial infarction while using oral contraceptives were either of the older age group, or smoked, or had other risk factors for arterial diseases - in particular, arterial hypertension. Avoiding the use of oral contraceptives in these women can lead to a decrease in the incidence of arterial thrombosis, as reported by recent studies in industrialized countries. The beneficial effect that third-generation oral contraceptives have on the lipid profile and their role in reducing the number of heart attacks and strokes has not yet been confirmed by controlled studies.

To avoid venous thrombosis, the doctor asks if the patient has ever had a venous thrombosis in the past to determine if there are contraindications to oral contraceptive use and what the risk of thrombosis is while taking hormonal drugs.

Non-dosed progestogenic oral contraceptives (first or second generation) were associated with a lower risk of venous thrombosis than combination drugs; however, the risk in women with a history of thrombosis is not known.

Obesity is considered a risk factor for venous thrombosis, but it is not known whether this risk is increased with oral contraceptive use; thrombosis is rare among obese people. Obesity, however, is not considered a contraindication to the use of oral contraceptives. Superficial varicose veins are not a consequence of preexisting venous thrombosis or a risk factor for deep venous thrombosis.

Heredity may play a role in the development of venous thrombosis, but its sensitivity as a high risk factor remains unclear. A history of superficial thrombophlebitis can also be considered a risk factor for thrombosis, especially if it is combined with a burdened heredity.

Venous thromboembolism and hormonal contraception

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, UK

July 2010

Do combined hormonal contraception methods (pills, patch, vaginal ring) increase the risk of venous thromboembolism?

The relative risk of venous thromboembolism is increased with the use of any combined hormonal contraceptive (pill, patch, and vaginal ring). However, the rarity of venous thromboembolism in women of reproductive age means that the absolute risk remains low.

The relative risk of venous thromboembolism increases in the first few months after starting the use of combined hormonal contraception. As the duration of the use of hormonal contraceptives increases, the risk decreases, but as a background it remains until the termination of the use of hormonal drugs.

In this table, the researchers compared the incidence of venous thromboembolism per year in different groups of women (per 100,000 women). From the table it is clear that in non-pregnant women (non-pregnantnon-users), an average of 44 (with a range from 24 to 73) cases of thromboembolism per 100,000 women is registered per year.

Drospirenone-containingCOCusers - users of drospirenone-containing COCs.

Levonorgestrel-containingCOCusers - using levonorgestrel-containing COCs.

Other COCs not specified - other COCs.

Pregnantnon-users - pregnant women.

Strokes and heart attacks when using hormonal contraception

New England Journal of Medicine

Massachusetts Medical Society, USA

June 2012


Despite the fact that the absolute risks of stroke and heart attack associated with the use of hormonal contraceptives are low, the risk was increased from 0.9 to 1.7 when using drugs containing ethinylestradiol at a dose of 20 μg and from 1.2 to 2.3 - with the use of drugs containing ethinyl estradiol in a dose of 30-40 mcg, with a relatively small difference in risk depending on the type of progestogen that is part of the composition.

Risk of thrombosis of oral contraception

WoltersKluwerHealth is a leading provider of qualified health information.

HenneloreRott - German doctor

August 2012


Different combined oral contraceptives (COCs) have different risks of venous thromboembolism, but the same unsafe use.

COCs with levonorgestrel or norethisterone (called second generation) should be the drugs of choice, as recommended by the national contraceptive guidelines in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway and the United Kingdom. Other European countries do not have such guidelines, but they are badly needed.

For women with a history of venous thromboembolism and / or with known defects in the blood coagulation system, the use of COCs and other contraceptive drugs with ethinyl estradiol is contraindicated. On the other hand, the risk of venous thromboembolism during pregnancy and the puerperium is much higher. For this reason, such women should be offered adequate contraception.

There is no reason to abstain from hormonal contraception in young women with thrombophilia. Pure progesterone drugs are safe in relation to the risk of venous thromboembolism.

The risk of venous thromboembolism among those using drospirenone-containing oral contraceptives

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

November 2012

The risk of venous thromboembolism is increased among those using oral contraceptives (3-9 / 10,000 women per year) compared to non-pregnant and non-pregnant women (1-5 / 10,000 women per year). There is evidence that drospirenone-containing oral contraceptives have a higher risk (10.22 / 10.000) than drugs containing other progestins. However, the risk is still low and much lower than during pregnancy (about 5-20 / 10.000 women per year) and in the postnatal period (40-65 / 10.000 women per year) (see table).

Tab. Thromboembolism risk.

In the world, more than 65 million women constantly take oral contraceptives, considering it the most convenient and reliable method of preventing unwanted pregnancies. However, this does not mean that you can prescribe the drug yourself or simply on the advice of a friend. After all, like any drug, OK also have side effects. Many women are often worried that the lower abdomen hurts from birth control.

Three-phase oral contraceptives are considered the most effective and safe. It is when these drugs are taken that there are practically no side effects, including pain in the lower abdomen. This is due to the fact that the content of synthetic estrogens and progesterones change depending on the day of the menstrual cycle, which should happen with a normal hormonal background. Unpleasant symptoms can be avoided due to the absence of hormonal load on the reproductive system, so the ovaries work as usual. The adaptation period when taking three-phase contraceptives is practically absent, therefore, you rarely hear complaints of abdominal pain when taking them (Trikvilar, Tri-merci).

Why does my stomach hurt when taking birth control?

The mechanism of action of such drugs is due to the content of synthetic analogs of female sex hormones. And since the body begins to receive them from the outside, there is no longer a need for their independent "production". The hormonal background and the work of the reproductive organs are changing. Such changes cannot go completely unnoticed for the body, and it will take several months for adaptation. Therefore, sometimes the stomach hurts from contraceptives. It is interesting! Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine (USA) have shown in the course of research that it pulls the stomach when taking contraceptives with low estrogen content. About 112 women out of 327 who participated in the study complained about such symptoms. These patients were taking medications with an estrogen content of less than 20 mcg. As a rule, from contraceptive pills, the stomach hurts in the first 3 months of administration, only in every 6 women adaptation can take six months. However, there are cases when the symptoms did not disappear, and the multiple replacement of OK did not help. Then it is recommended to choose another method of contraception.

If the lower abdomen began to hurt from contraceptives, when to run to a specialist?

Although painful sensations of such localization are quite expected when taking OK, you need to be extremely careful and listen to your body. So, when do you need a specialist consultation:

  • the pain only intensifies and does not depend on the day of the menstrual cycle;
  • painful sensations are accompanied by profuse discharge and an increase in body temperature;
  • the pain occurs suddenly and is cutting in nature, lasts more than 3 days.

If, after birth control pills, the stomach hurts and a number of unpleasant symptoms are observed, then it is necessary to replace the drug, which can only be done by a gynecologist. As a rule, there is a transition to low-dose hormonal contraceptives, which contain no more than 80 mcg of estrogen. In most European countries, gynecologists no longer prescribe oral contraceptives with a high estrogen content, since its excess also leads to a number of side effects, the most dangerous of which is thrombosis.

Sep 15, 2014, 15:32

Can thrush from birth control occur?
It has also been proven that the effect of hormones on immunological reactions depends on their concentration: a high content exhibits an immunosuppressive effect, ...

One of the most common consequences of the withdrawal of oral contraceptives is pain in the lower abdomen. The article explains why this happens and whether such a state of the body is considered normal.

To understand why, after the abolition of OK, certain consequences appear, it is necessary to understand how these drugs affect the reproductive system.

Reference! OK - synthetic type hormones that suppress ovulation and change the ratio of LH and FSH. When the hormonal composition changes, the structure of the endometrium becomes different. Cervical mucus is also affected - it becomes very dense, forming a kind of cork in the cervix that separates the sperm from the egg. Even if he manages to pass this obstacle, the zygote will not be fixed in the uterine wall.

If the patient takes OK, the key functions of the ovaries seem to be turned off, and all the work is assigned to synthetic hormones. When, after the abolition of contraceptives, discomfort in the ovaries is recorded, this means that they are engaged in the return of natural activity. Before drawing conclusions, it is recommended to observe your condition for several cycles.

Many complain that after stopping oral contraceptives they experience pain in the chest and lower abdomen. It is these parts of the body in girls that are particularly sensitive to even minor disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism. In any such medicine contains a huge amount of hormones that affect the mammary glands and in general the reproductive system.

Important! When additional substances cease to flow, the woman feels pain.

This situation is considered normal. The pain indicates that the body tuned in to provide stable protection, but then abruptly refused it. Now the production of hormones will occur naturally, and this often leads to stress for the body.

Doctors emphasize that taking OK on a regular basis is also unfavorable for health, because:

  1. there is an addiction to the unnatural production of hormones;
  2. there is a negative effect on the mammary glands and ovaries;
  3. the composition of cervical mucus changes;
  4. fallopian tubes begin to malfunction;
  5. endometrial pathology develops;
  6. infertility occurs.

Important! Regular use of such drugs can eventually completely extinguish your own fertility. Therefore, the doctor should choose the medicines based on the clinical picture.

To minimize the negative effects, it is recommended to take the pills on a pre-prescribed schedule at a given time.

After stopping taking OK, women begin to notice that their body is functioning differently.

The course of the menstrual cycle initially changes.

If its duration goes beyond 21-35 days, then it is better to inform a gynecologist about this.

Some 2-3 cycles have no periods. This time, the body is rebuilding itself to the natural production of hormonal substances. There are other side effects as well:

  1. unreasonable bleeding;
  2. nausea and headaches;
  3. acne, acne, comedones appear on the face;
  4. change in emotional state;
  5. decreased sexual desire;
  6. increased sweating.

If these factors do not disappear by themselves, but continue to cause discomfort for 5-6 months, then the girl needs additional examination.

Women taking oral contraceptives should be prepared for the fact that replacing her hormones with synthetic ones will not go unnoticed. As a rule, in the first month after the start of administration, a smear is observed, similar in color and texture to discharge in the last days of menstruation. This is quite normal, as the body rebuilds to new "conditions" of work.

However, some women, while taking birth control, worry about pain in the ovaries and appendages. In this case, you need to immediately go to the doctor for a consultation. Most likely, the pain signals that the selected OK is not suitable for the woman.

But in no case can you stop drinking contraceptives on your own, there are special exit schemes that the doctor prescribes in each case.

One of the most common consequences of self abrupt cessation of OK is vaginal bleeding, which itself cannot stop.

The soreness of the appendages can be felt if the drug is chosen by the doctor incorrectly or the woman started taking it without consultation, that is, on her own.

When the discomfort is temporary, it is better to observe your condition, however, constant pain should be an indispensable reason for going to the hospital.

A comprehensive survey will help clarify the situation. It includes the following activities:

  1. examination on the chair, during which the doctor conducts palpation. Sometimes this is enough to understand the causes of pain;
  2. passage of ultrasound. This method is considered informative. The transvaginal method is suitable for analyzing the work of the ovaries, since the introduction of an ultrasound probe into the vagina will allow the diagnostician to examine in detail the paired gland and the adjacent space;
  3. delivery of general tests blood and urine;
  4. hormone tests.

Attention! Based on the results of the examination, the doctor must decide: cancel OK or prescribe another drug that is more suitable for the patient.

For some women, the abolition of OK may be undesirable. This is preceded by certain reasons:

  1. age;
  2. exacerbation of certain pathologies;
  3. one or another type of drug.

Before giving up pills, you need to weigh the pros and cons. The main decision is made by the doctor. The following factors should be considered:

  1. with the development of anemia increased blood secretionexcreted during menstruation;
  2. the viscosity of mucus will decrease, and this is fraught with multiple inflammatory processes;
  3. during menopause significantly the risk of developing osteoporosis increases;
  4. can be observed increased hair growth on the body and face;
  5. after canceling ok woman not insured against ectopic pregnancyif she is inclined to it;
  6. decreased sexual desire, because the lady fears an unplanned conception.

You cannot quit taking pills yourself. It is recommended to finish the pack to the end.

Statistics say that 70 million women around the world tend to sacrifice their figure, perfect skin and a favorable emotional state in order to accept OK.

It is believed that if this or that drug in this category caused severe side effects, it would not be attributed as often.

According to pharmacists, there is not a single group of drugs, like birth control, that would undergo such detailed clinical studies.

Combination pills are already on sale in which the hormonal dose is reduced. This category of drugs has much fewer side effects and, as a result, better tolerance.

Not everyone is allowed to take OK. Contraindications include:

  1. the presence of diseases associated with thrombosis;
  2. migraine, which contributes to impaired speech and vision;
  3. numbness of body parts;
  4. general weakness of the body;
  5. diabetes mellitus with vascular complications;
  6. pancreatitis;
  7. liver damage;
  8. oncology of the mammary glands;
  9. unreasonable bleeding from the vagina;
  10. pregnancy;
  11. period of breastfeeding;
  12. hypersensitivity to a particular drug.

Important! If there is a genetic predisposition to the above diseases, then it is better to choose a different method of contraception.

Temporary discomfort present in the ovary after a sharp or gradual abolition of OK is considered quite normal. It is necessary to monitor your own condition in order to prevent a significant deterioration in health. During the examination, the doctor will establish the cause of the ovarian pain and tell you if the problem needs treatment or if it disappears on its own after a while.



Ovarian pain - For an explanation of the causes and treatment of this symptom, women often turn to gynecologists at our Leib Medic medical center, which is convenient for getting treatment from many parts of Moscow. Treatment of pain in the ovaries is one of the core areas of our medical center, where experienced responsible doctors of various specialties, including gynecologists, work. The cause of ovarian pain can be the following diseases, pathologies and conditions that require professional treatment or supervision:

  • ovarian apoplexy
  • polycystic ovary
  • ovarian cyst
  • the presence of microbial lesions of the ovaries
  • ovarian cancers
  • natural causes of ovarian pain
  • ovarian pain during abortion
  • ovarian pain when taking birth control pills
  • artificial ovarian pain

The female reproductive system is represented by the uterus and ovaries. The ability to produce offspring and the health of the unborn child depends on the state of the ovaries. However, more than 70% of women, especially in cities, suffer from various problems of the reproductive system, including the ovaries. This is largely due to the lifestyle that modern ladies adhere to, and especially clothing. Indeed, even in severe frosts, women prefer to wear mini-skirts instead of warm clothes.

Usually, pain in the ovarian area is cramping and stabbing. However, according to these signs, it is impossible to determine exactly what the ovaries hurt. After all, inflammation of appendicitis, diseases of the kidneys and the digestive system have the same expression. Therefore, you should not deal with the diagnosis yourself, you can go to an appointment with a gynecologist at our medical center in Moscow.

In some cases, the pain may be intermittent. In this case, pain is manifested either in the lower abdomen, then in the region of the kidneys or in the pubic zone. At times, leg cramps can be observed. Pain in the left ovary is rare and generally indicates a harmful external effect. If there is pain in the left ovary, it is most likely due to the medications being taken.

Pain in this area indicates the presence of problems with the reproductive system or hormonal phenomena. Both the one and the other nature of the disease can lead to complications, so it is impossible to delay the examination. Only an experienced doctor will be able to accurately determine the disease and say exactly why the ovaries hurt.

1. When the egg cell in the follicle matures, it should receive a sperm.

2. This does not happen and as a result of the death of the ovum, menstruation occurs.

3. Follicle-filling blood of a dead egg is excreted.

So at this time, these organs are especially tense, since they are filled with blood, and the risk of damage to blood vessels also increases. When the walls of the ovary cannot withstand, the blood entering it from the artery is poured inward.

Basically, the right couple is more likely to apoplexy, since it is larger and more blood circulates in it than in the left. Therefore, the right ovary often hurts. Blood in the right organ comes directly from the aorta, and in the left - through the blood vessels of the kidney. It also causes increased pressure and tension in the right organ. So, if for some reason the right ovary hurts, then the reason is most likely in apoplexy.

Ovarian apoplexy is most common in adolescent girls and young women. In many ways, it is this group that is at risk, since the reproductive organs are most actively performing their function in them. In very rare cases, apoplexy can be the result of mechanical damage. Other causes of apoplexy

In addition to natural processes, they can push to hemorrhage:

  • overly active sex
  • incorrectly performed gynecological procedure
  • exorbitant muscle loads

These are all mechanical factors. However, there are also disease-causing factors:

  • uterine pathology;
  • tumors;
  • varicose veins;
  • improper healing after surgery or injury;
  • ovarian inflammation

So pains are symptoms not only of disorders in these organs themselves.

The main sign of the presence of apoplexy in the body of a woman is acute pain in the ovary or lower abdomen, which is aching. And the right ovary usually hurts. However, the disease may be accompanied by other signs:

  • vomiting;
  • draining the oral cavity;
  • tachycardia;
  • stickiness of sweat discharge;
  • hypotension;
  • pale skin color;
  • temperature increase.

Usually, additional symptoms indicate that the accumulation of blood reaches its critical point and an attack of pain may soon occur. When the right ovary or the left one pulls, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, otherwise complications are possible.

There are still no clear reasons for the occurrence of polycystic ovary. In all patients, the following pathologies were observed, which presumably lead to the development of this disease:

  • imbalance of the endocrine system;
  • insulin oversaturation;
  • chronic inflammation;
  • obesity;
  • heredity.

Any of these pathologies can lead to the formation of an ovarian cyst.

Doctors distinguish the following symptoms of cystic disease:

  • abnormal menstruation;
  • hypertrachy (excessive hairiness);
  • skin problems;
  • pulling sensation in the ovarian region;
  • overweight.

All these signs are concomitant pain sensations that occur in the lower abdomen.

Of course, the presence and large accumulation of harmful microorganisms in the organs of the reproductive system leads to inflammatory processes and gives rise to pain in the ovary. When the number of such microbes reaches a critical point, thrush and candidiasis develop.

At the same time, thrush indicates a decrease in immunity in a woman's body, when, as a fungal disease, candidiasis develops as a result of:

  • an excess of sugar in a woman's body;
  • hormonal surges;
  • any infectious disease;
  • an excess of antibiotics;
  • non-observance of hygiene of the intimate area.
  • in the presence of unpleasant odors;
  • in the presence of itching;
  • pain when urinating;
  • genital inflammation;
  • pulls the ovary;
  • pain during intercourse.

Such a disease is cured with the help of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents.

Ovarian cyst is a common disease that occurs in women, and specialists at the Moscow Medical Center Leib Medic provide assistance to patients in the treatment of ovarian cysts using specialized methods. pouch. This happens due to the accumulation of yellow body fluid in it, which are actively released in the post-ovulation period. However, yellow bodies are not always to blame for this. So:

  • a cyst can be an accumulation of dead ovarian tissue, which leads to the development of cancer;
  • a thick-walled cyst usually results from epidermal deposition;
  • a capillary cyst is usually a manifestation of natural organic processes;
  • a multi-chamber cyst is the result of the accumulation of various tissues, including fluids, which also leads to cancer.

The exact reasons for the formation of cysts in women have not yet been established. Many experts argue that the main causes may be hormonal pathologies. In addition, there have been cases when the formation of a cyst was accompanied by chronic inflammatory processes. Usually, it is not possible to detect the presence of a cyst by observing external manifestations, because the formation of a cyst has no symptoms. Most cases are detected during a routine examination by a gynecologist. With excessive physical exertion, very intense intercourse, pain in the right ovary can be felt.

Ovarian cancers are detected in women of advanced age up to 70 years. More than thirty percent of cases are fatal. Basically, such malignant formations in the reproductive system are divided into the following groups:

  • initial, when a cancerous tumor appeared in the ovary itself for no apparent reason;
  • secondary, when cancer is the cause of death of benign cells;
  • metastatic cancer appears as a result of cancer cells entering the ovaries from another organ through the blood.

The causes of cancer cells in the body are still unknown. Most cases, doctors associate with an age factor and heredity. In addition, hormonal processes are of no small importance.

Signs of a malignant tumor are quite obvious. So with cancer there are:

  • discomfort resembling an upset digestive tract;
  • an everlasting feeling of tiredness;
  • a constant feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the abdomen.

The growth of the tumor gives rise to pain in the left ovary or in the right and difficulty urinating. In addition to reducing the amount of menstrual flow, a woman is attacked by apathy, depression does not leave.

It is not necessary that a certain pathology is present in the body if there is pain in the lower abdomen. During the week before menstruation, discomfort is considered normal for most women. In this case, the ovary hurts before menstruation. This is a manifestation of natural physiological processes. In addition, the ovary hurts during menstruation for the same reasons.

Another category of natural causes of pain in the lower abdomen is associated with the natural expansion of the uterus and the accumulation of yellow bodies due to the pregnancy of a woman. Usually, abdominal pain is felt in the first trimester. But they are not frequent or regular, but appear in isolated cases. However, during pregnancy, the fact that the ovary hurts on the right or left can be the result of some other reasons that will lead to complications and harm the body of the woman and the fetus. These include:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious diseases;

The most dangerous form of inflammatory processes is inflammation of the ovaries themselves. This disrupts the formation of yellow cells, which leads to fetal underdevelopment at the initial stage of pregnancy. In this case, the left or right ovary is colitis, since the inflammation primarily affects it.

An incorrectly performed abortion procedure can cause pain in the ovaries due to infection, damage to the ovaries when the fetus is removed. When both ovaries can hurt at the same time. This is one of the few reasons why the left ovary hurts, since in most cases the pain radiates to the right. Typically, such symptoms occur only in the first week after the procedure. In addition, the abortion procedure can lead to disruption of menstrual processes, the work of endocrine organs. But most of all from this procedure, by mechanical or other concomitant way, the organs of the woman's reproductive system suffer. Therefore, after an abortion, the risk of infertility is very high.

More than half of the women in the world prefer to avoid unwanted pregnancies by using oral contraceptives. However, most of them do not even have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat exactly influence these tablets on the body. So, most of these drugs accelerate or inhibit hormonal processes. This is mainly due to the need to increase the production of estrogen, which activates menstrual processes and prevents pregnancy. If, together with the right, the ovary on the left hurts, then the reasons are precisely in this effect on the uterus. Usually, ovarian colitis in 90% of these patients in the first three months after starting the drug. It is normal for the left ovary to colitis with the right ovary. However, if the pain does not leave and longer than this, then it is possible that a cyst or something else has formed in the ovary due to a hormonal imbalance in the ovary.

In vitro fertilization egg transfer is a very painful procedure in itself. So it is carried out exclusively under general anesthesia. But at the same time, in order to get the egg from the ovary of a healthy woman, it is pierced with a needle, so that the tingling sensation in the ovaries persists for a certain period after removal.

If the ovary hurts separately on the left or right in women aged, then this may be evidence of the approach of menopause. This period occurs in women from 45 years of age and begins in different ways for everyone. In most cases, the duration of menopause does not exceed 15 years. In addition to pain in the ovaries, these women have:

  • joint pain
  • headaches;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • reduced metabolism.

So what to do if the ovaries hurt. Rest is necessary when pain occurs in the pelvic region. It is necessary to limit yourself from the loads, both physical and emotional. It is also worth revising your diet, you may need to go on a diet. In the diet, you should limit yourself from salty and excessively fatty foods. It is recommended to consume more dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Folk remedies for this symptom are absolutely undesirable. But after consulting a doctor, you can take mud baths and baths with salt. Medicinal decoctions should also be taken, in consultation with the attending gynecologist. An experienced doctor will also tell you other ways of what to do if the ovaries hurt.

If you experience acute pain, you must call an ambulance. You should not try to figure out the reasons on your own, even if this has been observed and successfully eliminated before.

In size, they are no longer a peach kernel. When there are no pathologies in the body, the left is always somewhat smaller, compared to the right. This organ is a composite organ and is represented by a crust and connective tissue. Disruption of the work of these components causes general malaise and problems with the functioning of other organs of the female body.

This paired organ plays a major role in the reproduction of offspring. After all, it is they who produce eggs, which, as a result of fertilization with male spermatozoa, start the birth of a new embryo. They are located on both sides of the uterus, in the pelvic region. Immediately after fertilization, the ovulation process stops and the ovaries begin to produce a temporary protective layer of the future fetus - yellow bodies. However, this layer disappears after the formation of the uterine placenta. Replacement usually occurs after the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

The ovaries produce most of the hormones needed by the female body. For example, estrogen, progestin, etc. Violation of functions in this regard can be expressed in hormonal disruptions, excessive hairiness of a woman and, as a result, can lead to complete dysfunction of the reproductive organ.

From the metro station Nakhimovsky Prospekt exit onto Azovskaya Street, then after 250-300 meters turn left onto Sivashskaya Street, then after 40-50 meters turn right into the courtyard.

From the children's clinic and the maternity hospital in Zyuzino, you need to go to Azovskaya street, then turn to Bolotnikovskaya street and, before reaching the narcological clinical hospital N17, turn left into the courtyard.

From the Nagornaya metro station you can get to our medical center in 15 minutes, having traveled 1 metro stop.

It is convenient to get from Varshavskaya metro station by trolleybus 52 and 8 from Bolotnikovskaya ulitsa 1 stop to Moskvoretsky market stop, then 550 meters on foot

From the Kakhovskaya metro station, you need to go to Chongarsky Boulevard, follow Azovskaya Street, turn right to Bolotnikovskaya Street, then after 40-50 meters (behind the house number 20, turn to the left into the courtyard)

From Chertanovo district to our medical center can be reached from Metro Chertanovskaya in 20 minutes or on foot in 35-40 minutes.

Exit the metro station Profsoyuznaya to Profsoyuznaya street. Further from Nakhimovskiy Prospekt, from the Metro Profsoyuznaya stop, drive 7 stops to the Metro Nakhimovskiy Prospekt stop. Further along Azovskaya street 7 minutes on foot.

Kaluzhskaya metro can be reached by 72 trolley in 30 minutes. Exit from the metro to Profsoyuznaya street, from the Kaluzhskaya metro stop proceed to the Chongarskiy boulevard stop, then 7 minutes walk along Simferopol boulevard

From Sevastopolsky Prospect, turn onto Bolotnikovskaya Street, 100 meters before the narcological clinical hospital N17, turn left into the courtyard.

Exit the metro Novye Cheryomushki on the street. Gribaldi, then at the stop on Profsoyuznaya Street "Metro Novye Cheryomushki" by trolleybus N60 proceed to the stop Chongarsky Boulevard, then 7 minutes walk along Simferopol Boulevard


Many women experience cramping when taking hormonal birth control pills, especially if they are starting to use the new birth control method for the first time. However, hormone pills often help prevent cramps and other menstrual symptoms.

In most cases, birth control pill cramps are temporary. Women with acute or prolonged cramping may need to consult a doctor. The specialist is able to check for cramping-related medical conditions and suggest other methods of contraception.

Cramping is uncommon with hormonal contraception.

Their appearance can not be expected at all, since most birth control pills contain female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, which often help relieve cramping.

In fact, women who often experience cramps around their period use hormone pills to ease the cramps. Usually pills help lower hormones called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins can negatively affect the severity of cramping.

A recent study by American scientists showed that women who regularly or cyclically use birth control pills are less likely to experience pain associated with their periods.

But when women are just starting to use the new method of birth control, the body may need some time to get used to hormonal changes. At a time when the body will get used to the pills, women can observe symptoms similar to those that occur during menstruation.

In addition, if a woman forgets to take another dose of birth control pills or does it at the wrong time, hormone levels can quickly change and cause symptoms such as cramping or vaginal bleeding.

Some women may experience cramping when taking birth control pills due to a change in contraceptive method.

Switching from non-hormonal birth control methods, such as copper IUDs to hormonal birth control, can cause symptoms during the period of time the body becomes accustomed to hormones.

Even switching from one hormonal method to another can temporarily cause hormonal imbalances. For example, some birth control pills contain estrogen and synthetic progesterone, while others, such as mini-pills, contain only synthetic progesterone.

Some contraceptives cause cramping more often than others. Although hormonal methods often relieve cramping, doctors usually do not prescribe copper intrauterine devices to women with severe or painful periods, as in such cases the symptoms may worsen.

Close collaboration with a doctor will help a woman find the most effective birth control method that will not cause additional cramping.

Side effects of birth control pills can occur during the first few months of their use.

In addition to cramping, these side effects may include the following:

  • violation of menstrual cycles;
  • headaches or migraines;
  • nausea and stomach pain;
  • change in sexual desire;
  • change in weight;
  • breast tenderness or chest pain;
  • an increase in breast volume;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • mood swings or irritability.

More serious side effects are possible, but they occur very rarely. These problems may include thrombosis if birth control pills contain estrogen.

Women with a family or personal history of blood clots should be cautious about taking birth control pills.

Women who have obvious symptoms of a migraine headache or aura may also have an increased risk of blood clots when taking estrogen-containing drugs.

Other side effects include severe body aches and speech and visual impairments. If a woman observes such symptoms, she should immediately seek help from a doctor.

During menstruation, the uterus contracts to ensure that its inner lining layer (endometrium) is ejected from the body by expelling tissues and blood. Contractions of the uterus lead to cramps and pain.

Women experience cramps in different ways. For many, they present with throbbing pain and tightness in the lower abdomen and pelvis. Cramps can also spread to the upper legs and back.

As a rule, cramps begin a few days before the onset of menstrual bleeding and continue in the first couple of days of menstruation, when the strongest blood flow is observed.

Severe cramping may indicate a more serious medical condition. These include the following:

If a woman is worried about severe spasms or spasms that are observed within a month, then in such a situation it is necessary to meet with a doctor for diagnosis.

In many cases, doctors prescribe hormonal birth control pills to relieve menstrual pain. If the patient is faced with symptoms from specific hormones, a specialist may recommend a different type of pill.

Some home treatments can also help women with severe menstrual cramps. These methods include the following:

  • taking over-the-counter painkillers, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol;
  • placing a heating pad or electric blanket on the lower abdomen or lower back;
  • exercises;
  • recreation;
  • taking warm baths.

If a new method of birth control worsens the spasms, or if the spasms do not subside for several months after starting the new pills, the woman may change her method of contraception or talk to her doctor about diagnosing an underlying medical condition.

In most cases, the spasms will ease with the hormonal birth control pill. Cramping is normal if a woman switches to new hormones or takes them at the wrong time.

If a woman experiences acute symptoms or symptoms that continue after the end of her period, the problem should be discussed with a doctor. A specialist can recommend another type of birth control pills and carry out diagnostic procedures to detect hidden medical conditions.

For acute and sudden symptoms, women should seek immediate medical attention. Symptoms may include severe cramping or pain along with dizziness, nausea, or fever. Such problems may indicate a serious complication, such as a ruptured cyst or an ectopic pregnancy.


Oral contraceptives (OK) in the form of tablets are currently so common that about 70% of women of childbearing age take them. Moreover, in some cases, the need for contraceptive hormonal drugs is not due to their direct appointment (protection against unwanted pregnancy), but for the treatment of any diseases caused by hormonal imbalance. With the disappearance of the reasons that caused the need to take OK, many women ask themselves what consequences to expect after the abolition of contraceptives. Therefore, we further consider the natural processes in the body and the negative side effects that occur when drugs are discontinued, how to stop taking them correctly and why the ovaries hurt after cancellation.

In order to understand the consequences of canceling OK, it is necessary to find out how these drugs work, and what effect they have on the female reproductive system.

Oral contraceptives are synthetic hormones that suppress ovulation and alter the ratio of luteinizing hormone to follicle-stimulating hormone. When the amount of these hormones changes, the structure of the uterine endometrium and cervical mucus changes, due to which the sperm either does not connect to the egg at all (that is, fertilization does not occur), or the fertilized sperm does not attach to the walls of the uterus.

Also, when taking OK, the functions of the ovaries are turned off, all the work for them is performed by artificial hormones. Therefore, if after the abolition of OK, the ovaries hurt, this suggests that the organs are restoring their natural activity. You should wait several cycles for the appendages to start producing their own hormones, after which the pain will stop.

You can stop taking OK on a voluntary basis or if there is a medical indication. In the first case, the reasons may be:

  • a woman is planning a pregnancy, so protection is no longer required;
  • another method of contraception was chosen (condom, cap, spiral, etc.);
  • unwillingness to drink hormones for a long time, etc.

Sometimes there is a need to urgently stop taking OK, for example, in cases of the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • renal and / or hepatic impairment;
  • oncological diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hypertension of the II or III degree;
  • during surgical interventions (hormones can have a negative effect on anesthesia or the course of the operation).
  1. The restoration of reproductive function takes place in several directions: its own production of hormones is restored, the structure of the endometrium, the viscosity of cervical mucus decreases, the chemical composition of the vaginal flora changes.
  2. Violations of the menstrual cycle are possible due to the fact that during the entire time of taking OK, the body's own reproductive abilities were atrophied, they were replaced by drugs. Therefore, it takes some time to restore normal functioning of organs.
  3. Bleeding in the middle of the cycle occurs with abrupt withdrawal of the drug. In order to prevent this unpleasant consequence, it is necessary to finish the OK packaging to the end, that is, before the start of the next menstruation.
  4. Libido changes are related to hormone levels. Moreover, changes can be both in the direction of increasing sexual desire, and its complete absence. This symptom is temporary and should not cause concern.
  5. Acne is also hormone-related. Contraceptives contain hormones that suppress the production of androgens. Namely, they are the cause of the appearance of skin rashes.
  6. Changes in the state of the nervous system, which manifests itself in mood swings, depression or irritability, sometimes fatigue or weakness.
  7. Weight gain, or vice versa. When taking birth control pills, the weight may increase slightly. This is due to the fact that under the influence of hormones in the body, glucose breaks down faster, so the appetite increases. Also OK are able to retain water in the body. If, after discontinuation of the drug, weight has decreased, this is a natural process. If it has increased, you need to check the ratio of sex hormones and the thyroid gland. There may be some kind of endocrine disease.

One of the common consequences of stopping OCs is pain in the ovaries. They occur after discontinuation of the following drugs.

This hormonal drug is a synthetic analogue of progesterone and can be prescribed for various diseases caused by a lack of this hormone (cysts, fibroids, dysmenorrhea, polycystic, etc.). After discontinuation of Duphaston, many women notice aching pains in the ovaries, which usually last until the onset of the next menstruation.

In some cases, single follicular cysts appear that do not require specific therapy and resolve themselves in 1-2 cycles.

This contraceptive is also used to treat endometriosis. After discontinuation of the drug, many women notice that the ovaries ache. If during Byzanne it hurt in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ovaries or uterus, and this pain does not go away within a week, this can indicate both the natural restoration of the body and any pathology, therefore, in this case, a doctor's consultation is desirable.

The drug is not a contraceptive, it is used to treat type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus. However, in some cases it is prescribed for the treatment of polycystic (under the strict supervision of a physician).

If the ovaries get sick while taking Metformin, this may indicate that the ovulatory cycle is being restored, since with polycystic disease this process is disrupted until there is no menstruation. Usually, discomfort in the ovarian area disappears during the first week of admission, and after discontinuation of the drug, they are rare.

This plant is not a synthetic contraceptive and does not contain hormones, but its properties are such that it can adjust the hormonal background of the body and is used in the treatment of many gynecological diseases, including infertility caused by a lack of ovulation.

If, when taking the boron uterus, the ovaries are pulled and there are aching pains in the lower abdomen, this is a normal reaction of the body to the folk remedy, even if the symptoms are present in the first half of the cycle. Since the stimulation of ovulation begins from the pine uterus, the ovaries begin to function more actively, hence the unpleasant symptoms. Over time, the pain will subside as the body adapts.

After you stop taking oral contraceptives, you cannot immediately plan a pregnancy.... It is necessary to wait until the hormonal background is fully restored, the pains in the ovaries subside and they begin to function properly.

It usually takes 2-3 months to recover, but sometimes this process can take up to six months. The pains in the ovaries, of course, subside quite quickly (provided that these are natural pains not caused by any pathologies), but it takes a little longer to restore the production of hormones.

In order for the recovery process to proceed quickly and without unpleasant complications, several rules must be followed when canceling the drug:

  1. You should consult with your gynecologist if it is advisable to stop drinking OK at this particular moment. The patient's health and potential risks should be assessed.
  2. In any case, you should finish the pack to the end, otherwise a sharp hormonal jump may occur, provoking bleeding in the middle of the cycle and the subsequent delay in menstruation.
  3. You can stop taking the drug in the middle of the cycle if there are unpleasant side effects: pain in the mammary glands, acne, nausea, etc.
  4. If the drug was not taken for contraception, but for the treatment of any hormonal disease, then after cancellation, it is necessary to take tests to determine the amount of hormones and subsequently conduct regular diagnostics.


There is probably no woman who at some point in her life would not have to take birth control pills. The most popular are the combined contraceptives. These drugs consist of two parts of estrogen and progesterone.

The only condition under which the drug will work effectively is the continuous intake of tablets. For many women, it is much easier to drink a contraceptive than to endure the discomfort associated with installing and using an IUD. You can use pills until the woman decides to become a mother and give up the contraceptive. How do the ovaries work after stopping birth control?

At first glance, everything is simple. But in fact, from this point on, some difficulties may arise, especially if birth control pills have been taken for several years. In order to painlessly refuse the intake of hormones from outside, certain rules must be followed. If you follow all the medical recommendations, the ovaries will work in normal mode.

It is impossible to quit taking pills at the same time. A sharp change in the hormonal background can lead to sad consequences. Gynecologists generally say that taking such drugs can be stopped in two cases, if serious health problems appear and hormonal drugs can worsen the woman's condition, or if pregnancy is planned in the near future. Indications for immediate withdrawal from pills may vary.

First of all, taking pills is prohibited during pregnancy, with the appearance of severe migraine, with a sudden decrease in visual acuity or complete loss of vision. You can not take contraceptives with suddenly detected liver failure, with the detection of thromboembolism.

You will also have to choose another method of protection for hypertension that cannot be corrected. The reason for cancellation may be the detection of diabetes mellitus in severe form. A serious obstacle to the use of hormonal contraceptives is the appearance of a cancerous tumor in the body or the active growth of fibroids in the uterus.

In case of blood clots, the drug is canceled immediately, despite the presence of side effects from a sharp cessation of hormones in the body with tablets. Such actions are completely justified, since there is a serious threat to life.

Currently, it is believed that side effects with the abrupt cancellation of contraceptives appear only if the drug was chosen incorrectly. In other cases, a sharp cessation of pills should make the ovaries work more actively.

In order to understand the essence of the problem, it is necessary to understand what happens to the body after hormonal drugs are canceled. The contraceptive effect of these funds is based on a decrease in the activity of the pituitary gland and a violation of ovulation.

Additionally, the viscosity of mucus in the cervix increases and the process of formation of the endometrium in the uterus is disrupted, due to which the fertilized egg loses its ability to implant. When the drug is canceled, reverse processes are launched. The full functioning of the reproductive system will be able to recover only a few months after the drug is discontinued, but only if the woman is absolutely healthy.

The most important during the period of weaning from hormonal preparations is the full restoration of the normal functioning of the ovaries, which for a long time were under the influence of hormones that appeared along with the tablets in the body. When taking medications containing hormones, the synthesis of hormones by the body itself is significantly reduced.

The body ceases to spend energy on the production of active biological substances, which are already in sufficient quantities in the blood. As a result, the ovaries all the while pills are taken are almost inactive. After a sharp reception of contraceptives, they should in emergency mode come into operation after a long period of inactivity.

They are not able to do this quickly. First of all, a signal about a change in hormonal levels must go to the brain. Then the pituitary gland begins to work more intensively and only then does the turn reach the ovaries. The longer birth control drugs are taken, the more efforts the body will have to make in order for the reproductive system to work at the same level.

In the beginning, it is worth considering a situation where the use of contraceptives lasted from three to six months. This period is considered minimal. Changes in the body over this period have been minor. Therefore, there are no serious obstacles to the restoration of ovulation.

This hormonal shake-up of the body is very often used by gynecologists to treat hormonal infertility. The whole calculation is based on the fact that after a small forced exposure, the ovaries will begin to function in an enhanced mode and the chances of pregnancy will increase significantly.

After abrupt withdrawal of the drug, not one, but several follicles may ripen for some time. The chance to give birth to twins in this period is very high. This effect can last for about three months. Then the ovaries begin to work at their usual pace, and maturation is limited to one follicle.

The ovaries work after the cancellation of hormones makes the hypothalamus, which in an accelerated manner tries to restore normal hormonal levels. After the level of hormones approaches the required limit, work on "wear and tear" will stop. Such a shake-up is useful for the body, but only in case of problems with conception caused by changes in the hormonal background. If a woman is healthy, there is no need for stress therapy.

By and large, the launch of the mechanisms responsible for reproductive function, in the increased load mode, negatively affects health. Therefore, the decision on such stimulation of conception is made only by a doctor.

It is extremely undesirable to carry out such a stimulation of the hormonal and reproductive systems on your own, since against the background of such changes, an exacerbation of many chronic diseases can occur or those organs and systems that are the "weak link" in the body will suffer. The appearance of such problems is explained very simply, hormones are able to influence, where directly, where indirectly, on the work of many organs and systems.

A slightly different picture is observed with prolonged use of contraceptives. If taking the pills lasted for several years, and there were no breaks in the course, it will be much more difficult to restore the reproductive function of the body than in the case of short-term use. Set up the pituitary gland. and therefore, the ovaries will not work out quickly.

According to doctors, every year of taking contraceptives will result in three months of recovery for a woman. The main problem lies in the fact that for such a long period the body has forgotten how to synthesize the hormones necessary for the conception of a child.

In order for the whole mechanism to work correctly, it takes a lot of time, and this again, provided that the woman is absolutely healthy. But, unfortunately, the percentage of women without health problems is very small. Therefore, the process of restoring the functioning of the reproductive system after taking medications is most often associated with certain problems. You cannot do without the help of a doctor in this situation.

First of all, immunity will affect the rate of restoration of childbearing function. With weak immunity, after the hormones are canceled, all the foci of inflammation present in the body may become aggravated. Such a blow to the body cannot but affect the work of the ovaries, since the human body is, in a simplified form, an interconnected system consisting of various organs.

With minimal changes, the normal functioning of all organs is disrupted. It is especially easy to disrupt the existing equilibrium can fluctuations in the hormonal background. In the body, hormones play an important role; they are regulators of many biological processes.

The second factor affecting the rate of restoration of the reproductive system is the biological age of the woman. The younger the woman, the faster ovulation will recover. Age is a burden. A woman aged after long-term use of hormonal contraceptives may completely lose the ability to fertilize. This happens due to age-related changes in tissues that disrupt the normal functioning of organs.

In women under twenty-three years of age, the chances of restoring ovulation in the first month after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives are very high. After thirty, the chance of a normal conception of a child appears only after a year. For older women, the recovery process can take several years.

According to statistics, women who have given birth have better ovarian function than nulliparous women. If you ask about the same statistics, then the ovulation process occurs for the first time after two years in 95% of those who have given birth and only in 85% of those who have not given birth. These nuances must be considered when planning a pregnancy.

A woman should be prepared for the fact that after long-term use of contraceptives, pregnancy will not come immediately. Even in the case of a quick recovery of ovulation, doctors do not recommend trying to conceive a child right away. In their opinion, the body needs to be given time to prepare for this event. All departments of the endocrine and reproductive systems must completely get rid of the effects of hormones artificially introduced into the body.

Many women are interested in the question of how the periods will go after the cancellation of hormonal contraceptives. The ovulation process will occur approximately on the twelfth to fourteenth day from the beginning of the cycle, provided that the total duration of the cycle takes up to thirty days.

At the same time, the egg fully matures approximately between the sixteenth and eighteenth days of the cycle. Some women have either early or late ovulation. These cycles are also considered normal. Their only drawback is that it is difficult to determine the timing of pregnancy. If the woman had early ovulation before taking the pills, the same thing will happen after the drug is discontinued. Changes are possible only when changing the cycle duration.

In order to determine the optimal time for conception, it is best to do an ultrasound. In order to determine the date as accurately as possible, one ultrasound result will not be enough. The examination will have to be repeated on the days that the gynecologist must indicate.

A similar method will be the most reliable and fast. Basal temperature measurement is a long process and the accuracy of the results depends on many factors. If you focus on the subjective sensations of a woman, then the conception of a child will become possible at the time of the appearance of pulling pain in the lower abdomen, tenderness of the mammary glands. The moment of onset of ovulation can be determined by resorting to special tests using saliva or urine.

The process of restoring the work of the ovaries in each woman after the abolition of hormonal contraceptives occurs in its own way. The body must restore its ability to synthesize the necessary hormones, and these hormones must enter the body in the required volume.

In the first months after stopping taking the pills, there are disruptions in the menstrual cycle, which can either shorten or lengthen. In a small number of women, menstruation may be completely absent for some time.

The day of maturation and release of the egg can be constantly changing. In the complete absence of menstruation, you must consult a doctor. Most likely, there is a case of serious hormonal disorders, which most likely will not recover on its own without the help of doctors.

In case of problems with the cycle for several months, women begin to become very anxious, they begin to fear that the desired pregnancy will not come due to the changes that have occurred in the body against the background of the use of hormonal agents.

This is entirely possible, but only as an exception to the rule. All that is needed in this situation is to be patient. Sometimes waiting for a favorable moment can drag on for up to one and a half years. Ovulation in two years will also be considered the norm, you should not look for other ways to conceive a child, since there is still the opportunity to do this in a natural way.

It will be much easier to return the reproductive system to its original state if there are short breaks when taking contraceptives, and protection from unwanted pregnancy will occur using other methods.

If there is no ovulation for a long time, it is necessary to start a more in-depth examination and contact a specialist in the treatment of infertility. And in this case, not everything is as sad as it seems. There are methods that can stimulate the onset of ovulation. As a last resort, you can use the IVF procedure.

If you create a book of absurd medical statements, which have passed into the category of rumors, myths, prejudices, but then are perceived by people as the truth, then you get a publication in several volumes. And if “all doctors say so” (meaning all post-Soviet doctors), then a completely different opinion of a knowledgeable and thinking doctor will rather cause distrust and surprise than save a person from false beliefs. It is difficult to explain something progressive in the darkness of obscurantism of illiteracy.

One of the common myths was the statement, invented just by doctors, that while taking hormonal contraceptives, the ovaries “relax”. To say simply that it is not true, that the ovaries do not "rest" at all, just as the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs do not rest, is usually not enough. “Provide links to articles and research results that say that the ovaries do not rest, because all our doctors say they are resting! All doctors cannot lie! ” - the demand from some women sounds ultimatum. But the very expression “ovarian rest” is not scientific, not medical, and is not mentioned in professional literature. And then I want to ask a counter-question: give a scientific, medical definition of the concept of "resting ovaries". How do you imagine it? And then the counterattack: cite at least one article written not on the order of contraceptive manufacturers, but based on serious clinical studies, where such an unscientific term as “ovarian rest” is mentioned at least briefly. Just such articles do not and never have been.

If you have logic, then rest implies not doing the main work, and not forcibly, right? For organs and organ systems, “doing work” means functioning. In other words, organs perform a specific function. Violation of this function can lead to a malfunction of the whole organism, and we often call such deviations in work specific diseases.

From the moment the organs are laid and their gradual development and maturation, they perform a specific function. Without this, the life of the fetus, then the child and the adult is impossible. Of course, you can live without some organs, and if they are paired, then the absence of one may not affect too much human health. People live with one kidney, and with one lung, and without a spleen, and with a part of the liver. However, life without a number of organs is impossible.

Now let's talk. What is their function? The ovaries are reproductive organs or gonads. Without them, there can be no reproduction of offspring, therefore one of the functions of the ovaries is the maturation of female germ cells - eggs. In parallel with the maturation of germ cells, there is a process of hormone production - primarily progesterone, which is used to produce male sex hormones (androgens), and already of them - female sex hormones (estrogens). The maximum production of sex hormones is observed in the growing vesicles (follicles) during the maturation of the germ cells. Therefore, the ovarian follicular apparatus is the most important part of these organs.

However, it must be remembered that they are produced not only by the follicle in which a full-fledged egg will mature, that is, the dominant one. These hormones are also produced in other types of follicles that are not growing, slowly growing, and very small in size. This means that a woman's body (the vast majority of women) always has a certain amount of hormones, which are enough for the normal function of the reproductive system and the entire female body, from the newborn period to the menopause. It does not happen that the indicators of hormone levels are at zero. If only because there are also adrenal glands and a number of other cells and tissues that produce sex hormones. Even if one ovary or part of the ovaries is removed, a lack of hormones will not be observed in all cases, however, there will never be compensation for the lost follicles.

Who or what controls ovarian function? The relationship between the ovaries and those parts of the brain that produce certain substances with hormonal properties that stimulate or suppress ovarian function is improved. First of all, this is the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The process of improving the mechanism of regulation of ovarian function is completed by the age of 21-22, and for some women even later. Without delving into the jungle of this relationship, it is important to understand that the increasing and circulating levels of ovarian hormones in the blood during the maturation of the follicles trigger the production of certain substances in the brain, also hormones that will inhibit the growth of follicles. And, on the contrary, lowering the level of hormones will stimulate the production of those hormones of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland that will stimulate the maturation of eggs. There are also a number of relationships between the ovaries and other organs, and the ovaries themselves use part of their hormones to support their own function.

And now let's talk about what the contraceptive effect of hormonal drugs is based on. All, without exception, contain synthetic progesterone (progestin), because their action is based on progesterone action. If you ask doctors what a “progesterone action" or "progesterone property" is, most of them will not have an answer or the answer will turn out to be false. The progesterone effect is determined by the amount of progesterone (or progestin), which is sufficient to suppress the maturation of sex eggs, that is, suppress ovulation. Of course, progesterone and progestins can additionally have other properties, which can also increase the contraceptive effect.

When a woman starts taking hormonal contraceptives, an artificial hormonal background is immediately created, and at the same time a cycle. At the same time, the growth and maturation of follicles stops, although not always completely (depending on the dose and the frequency of taking the drug), there is no ovulation, the natural (natural) menstrual cycle stops. If hormonal contraceptives are taken continuously (without a break of 7 days or dummy tablets), then there will be no menstruation, although breakthrough bleeding can sometimes occur. It must be remembered that women who take hormonal contraceptives do not have not only their own natural, but also natural menstruation. After taking 21 hormone pills and taking a break, withdrawal bleeding occurs. This mode of taking hormonal drugs was created for the convenience of women.

An artificially created cycle with a new level of taken hormones suppresses the maturation of follicles and the production of its own hormones by the ovaries. The ovaries do not rest - their function is suppressed, and violently. After all, they did not ask the woman to take hormones.

Now imagine, for comparison, that one day someone appeared in the family and locked the woman-wife-mother in a dark closet without any warning. And this someone, obviously another woman, began to do all the work of the housewife, including the role of wife and mother. The hostess herself sits in the dark and does not understand what is happening in her house. It is clear that it does not work. But can such a removal from work be called rest? The same thing happens with the ovaries when their function is artificially suppressed.

How will the ovaries respond after the suppression is canceled? And how will a woman react when she is released from the dark closet to freedom? Women are different, so the reaction to what happened will be different: some will come to work quickly, others will need several months to recover, and still others will be so shocked that they will not be able to start their routine worries and duties for a very long time. The same can be said about the ovaries - each woman has an individual reaction.

Thus, the ovaries do not rest when taking hormonal contraceptives. It is also necessary to get rid of other myths on this topic: taking hormones, including contraceptives, does not rejuvenate the ovaries, does not preserve ovarian reserve, does not save at all from old age and menopause, does not improve the quality of germ cells, and even more so, does not lead to conception child. Therefore, it is absurd to take hormonal drugs allegedly to "align" the menstrual cycle and at the same time planning pregnancy.This is not only a waste of money, but also of time (and for women over 35, such a waste of time can end up losing their chances of getting pregnant). It is also a life of deception, for they hope for one thing, but they have no idea that they are getting another.

So that they get rid of the false beliefs that are stuffed with their thinking. And I want to believe that my explanation of how the female body is arranged and functioning will help at least some of them understand the absurdity of a number of myths, unfortunately, spread by doctors.


Ovarian cyst is one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. The cause of the appearance of cysts is hormonal imbalance. That is why therapy of this pathological process is often based on the use of oral contraceptives.

OK action on ovarian cyst

A cyst is a bubble filled with fluid. Growing, it can cause the development of polycystic ovary, and, as a consequence - infertility. When walking, physical activity, during intercourse, cysts provoke pain in the lower abdomen.

There are cases when cystic formations resolved on their own at the onset of the next menstruation, but most often it is necessary to use OC for treatment with an ovarian cyst.

These drugs are prescribed individually, depending on the state of the hormonal background of women and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Note. Gynecologists give preference to COCs for ovarian cysts. Combined oral contraceptives contain certain doses of estrogen and gestagens, which help to quickly restore normal hormonal balance.

Preparations for the treatment of ovarian cysts

Treatment of disorders of the female reproductive system is often accompanied by the appointment of hormonal drugs.

Important! Such medications can be taken only after a complete examination, because they have enough contraindications, and incorrectly selected hormonal drugs will negatively affect health, can also contribute to the appearance of excess weight, disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Most often, the following drugs are used to treat diseases of the female reproductive system:

  1. Janine - with an ovarian cyst, this combined oral contraceptive is prescribed to rest the organ. At the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, the production of follicle-stimulating hormone is blocked, that is, there is no ovulation. The permeability of cervical secretion for sperm is reduced, and egg implantation also does not occur. As a result, during the period of taking OK, the female reproductive system has the opportunity to completely relax and recover.
  2. Yarina with an ovarian cyst has the same effect as Janine. The difference between these hormonal contraceptives lies only in the quantitative ratio of hormones. It is to choose the right drug that you must first donate blood to hormones.
  3. Jess with an ovarian cyst is one of the most effective drugs. Jess has a pronounced antiandrogenic effect. The main active ingredient is drospirenone. The main feature of treatment with this drug is the absence of a break "between packages". That is, after the end of the tablets in the package, they immediately start taking the tablets from the next pack.

When taking OK, the ovarian cyst resolves due to the fact that menstruation becomes regular, hormonal balance is normalized, and there is no maturation of new follicles.

Hormonal contraceptives are increasingly used not only to prevent unwanted pregnancies, but also as part of complex therapy in the treatment of most disorders of the female reproductive system.

For the treatment of ovarian cysts, Janine is used very often.

Note. Since the drug has an antiandrogenic effect, it is also effective in eliminating skin inflammation. Therefore, OC is often prescribed to patients with problem skin.

Yarina, in the treatment of ovarian cysts, helps to gradually reduce the size of the cyst. Since ovulation is suppressed, existing cysts gradually dissolve, and new ones are not formed.

If a woman is predisposed to the formation of cysts on the ovaries, the doctor is likely to recommend taking oral contraceptives.