What a plant is Veronica. Plant veronica threadlike: planting and care. Veronica filiform Veronica filiformis


When the beginning of the day started with positive feelings, then the whole working day is transferred faster and more positively. The maintenance of plants is a desirable hobby for many, which gives positive feelings not only to relatives but also to many neighbors. A flower garden is a worthy decoration for every design. Walking next to a flower garden, it is impossible not to direct your gaze to some amazing bush. And many have a thought, or maybe they should think and buy a garden?

Veronica spicata (Veronica spicata) Herbaceous perennial with long and dense apical racemes of bright blue, pink, purple, white flowers, green foliage. Max. height up to 40 cm. Flowering period: mid-June-July (blooms 2-3 weeks). After flowering, the shoots are cut off, the bush is renewed due to the new growth of leaves. Unpretentious, drought-resistant, photophilous, prefers any loose, garden soil with the addition of gravel, does not tolerate waterlogging, decorative until frost, frost-hardy, hibernates without shelter. Propagated by seeds (in autumn), dividing the bush (in spring), stem cuttings (tops of young shoots). Can be used on rocky slides, in mixborders, in single plantings. Spikelet Veronica, or spikelet (Andreev's cross, Andreev's grass). There are many garden varieties. Veronica spicata "Dwarf rose" (Veronica spicata "Rosa Zwerg") is more hygrophilous. Occurs in forest glades, forests of steppe regions.

Veronica longifolia (Veronica longifolia) Belongs to one of the highest species of Veronica. The specific name is formed from the Latin words longus ("long") and folium ("leaf"). A tall perennial plant, rising up to 50-120 cm (sometimes even higher), with a narrow, long, straight raceme of blue (purple) flowers up to 25 cm long. Stem (one or more) erect, usually branched under inflorescences. Varieties with large inflorescences, white or blue flowers of various shades have been bred. Blooms from late June to September. They are especially good in a flower garden - in combination with other flowers of white and yellow colors. Moisture-loving. General natural area: Europe, Caucasus, Siberia, Far East, Mongolia, China, Korea, Japan, Central Asia. Grows on rich soils of wet, swampy meadows, coastal areas; enters damp forest edges, bushes. As a rule, this species of Veronica occurs singly. Its rhizome is creeping, long.

Veronica Dubravnaya (Veronica chamaedrys) In different regions of Russia, Veronica Dubravnaya was called Dubrovka, Myrrh, forget-me-not (V. Dal). Herbaceous perennial with opposite, oblong-ovate leaves; pure blue or blue with dark veins (sometimes pink) flowers, 10-15 mm in diameter, collected in axillary racemose inflorescences. The stem and leaves are covered with dense pubescence. It is undersized, at best it can reach a height of 30 cm. Its flowers are small, but so bright blue, as if they have absorbed the piercing blue of the sky. Blooms profusely from late May to early July. She tolerates trampling quite steadily. Can be used as a decoration for variegated natural lawns that are not regularly mowed. Homeland - Europe, Asia (Turkey, Greece, China, Iran), North America. It is found in light forests, on forest edges, clearings, as well as in parks and gardens, usually grows in large clumps. Propagated by shoots from rhizomes and ground-rooted shoots.

Veronica stelleri. Found in the mountains of the Far East, China, Japan. A low, graceful plant, 5-25 cm tall, with a stem crowned at the top with a short, almost capitate inflorescence that elongates during fruiting. The leaves are serrate-serrate along the edge. The flowers are blue-violet, about 8 mm in diameter. Suitable for rock gardens, mixborders, flower beds.

Veronica schmidtiana grows in the Far East, Japan. Perennial low plant 10-15 cm tall, with blue flowers about 15 mm in diameter, usually collected in apical inflorescences (may be axillary). Blooms in late May for 3-4 weeks. Suitable for growing in a rock garden. Varieties and forms are known: purple flowers with white stripes; white flowers with purple stripes; narrow-linear form with purple leaves.

Armenian Veronica (Veronica armena Boiss. Et Huet.) Originally from Asia Minor. Woody rhizome perennial, forming a thickened turf, 5-10 cm high with threadlike leaves, blue, purple or pink flowers 0.5 cm in diameter. Stems 5 to 10 cm long, ascending or recumbent, numerous, thin, woody from the base, scabrous from short pubescence. The most unpretentious species, deservedly in demand among gardeners. Decorative in numerous plantings in areas where there are corners of wildlife, where the natural landscape is preserved. Suitable for lawns, alpine slides, terraces, for covering the free surface in areas. Fragrant, very drought-resistant, original, even with its strongly dissected leaves, blooms only once. The substrates are extremely alkaline, stony, with a small amount of well-fertilized clay or river silt. It reproduces well by dividing rhizomes, seeds. Blooms in early to mid-summer. In the middle lane, the seeds ripen late.

Veronica broad-leaved, or large (Veronica teucrium L. = Veronica austriaca) Wildly grows in the European part of our country, in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Central Asia, Western Europe, the Mediterranean. Perennial plant with erect or ascending stems, with bright blue, pinkish or white flowers, collected in dense racemose inflorescences up to 7 cm long. Blooms from late May 40-45 days. Adult plants form dense spherical bushes up to 25 cm tall. During flowering plant height is up to 60 cm. Good for planting mixborders, for cutting. It hibernates without shelter, is hygrophilous, but drought-resistant. There are garden varieties and forms.

Veronica bushy, or branched (Veronica fruticans Jacq.) In natural conditions, it lives on rocky, stony places, especially on the limestone slopes in the mountains of Europe (except for Eastern Europe and the Balkans). Slow growing species of Veronica, with bright blue flowers, reddish girdle at the base of the calyx on long pedicels, collected in racemose inflorescences. Plants with pink flowers are less common. Flowering in early summer. Suitable for planting on rocky terraces, grows in partial shade. Forms low, sometimes high (5-10 cm) cushion thickets. Develops on non-acidic, sandy loam soil, preferably in partial shade, does not tolerate overheating. Winter-hardy, but still desirable preventive cover with spruce branches.

Gentian Veronica (Veronica gentianoides Vahl.) Grows naturally in the middle, southern regions of the European part of Russia, Crimea, the Caucasus, Asia Minor. Low, herbaceous plants forming cushion bushes up to 45 cm tall; with pale blue or whitish flowers with dark blue veins up to 1 cm in diameter in racemose inflorescences. Blooms in late May-early June (2-3 weeks). Suitable for planting on terraces of large rockeries, in the foregrounds of mixborders, for creating curtains. Decorative until frost. Moisture-loving, but drought-resistant, winter-hardy without shelter, grows on any soil. Most rosette leaves overwinter, young leaves appear in May. Propagated vegetatively, by rhizome areas. The “Nana” variety was bred - a dwarf version of gentian Veronica with a height of no more than 10 cm, with a peduncle of 20-30 cm. And from it the “Variegata” variety. Leaves are white-bordered, very bright, even with a pink border in spring. The height of the turf is 10-15 cm ...

Woody Veronica, or escaping (Veronica surculosa Boiss. Et bal.) Found in the alpine meadows of Asia Minor. A perennial creeping plant, covered with gray pubescence, with pink flowers, 4 to 5 cm high. Creeping, strongly leafy stems form a beautiful gray-green carpet. Blossoming - May-July. Suitable for rockeries, rocky slides. Drought-resistant. Hardy with good drainage and mulching, it can freeze out in snowless winters, preferably a shelter with coniferous spruce branches. It develops successfully in dry, sunny places. Requires loose sandy loam soils.

Veronica Crimean (Veronica taurica) In the wild, Veronica grows in the Crimea, on the rocky slopes of the mountains. The plant is endemic, rare, low (10-30 cm high). Leaves are bright green, linear-lanceolate, almost entire. Flowers in axillary multi-flowered racemes, corolla light blue or blue. Suitable for growing in rock gardens. Prefers open, sunny places. Blooms in the first half of summer, from May to July. Propagated vegetatively and by seeds. The variety "Crater Lake Blue" differs from the species in blue flowers.

Veronica officinalis (Veronica officinalis L.) Perennial herbaceous creeping plant with lavender flowers up to 6-7 mm in diameter in short, more or less dense racemes located in the axils of the upper stem leaves. Stems are quite numerous, reaching up to 20 cm per season, recumbent, spreading, forming a dense low mat up to 7-10 cm in height. Blooms from June to September. The seeds ripen in July-September. can be sown before winter or spring, blooms for 2 years. It is grown in rock gardens, as an ornamental leafy plant among ground cover plants. Drought and trampling resistant. When planting among ground cover, one should take into account the ability to grow rapidly and its high competitiveness. Can be planted in relatively poor, better sandy soils, in completely open areas or in partial shade. The specific name of this species indicates the presence of medicinal properties. Distributed in Europe, the Caucasus, Asia Minor. Grows in forests, in forest glades. It belongs to the number of pioneer plants in fresh clearings. It is found quite often in the form of small thickets. Thin creeping rhizome; the ground part is pressed to the ground.

Veronica thyme-leaved (Veronica serpyllifolia) Has a wide range, grows almost throughout Russia. Perennial plant, 10-25 cm high, with creeping stems rooting at the bottom. The leaves are small (5-10 mm long), opposite, ovate or almost round, obtuse at the apex, entire or toothed. The upper leaves gradually pass into the bracts, therefore the apical loose brush is not sharply limited from the leafy part of the stem. Corolla 3-4 mm in diameter, whitish with dark veins or bluish, wheel-shaped.

Veronica filiformis (Veronica filiformis) Widespread in the mountain meadows of Europe. Perennial low plant, only 3-5 cm, with single blue flowers with dark veins, rising on long legs from axillary leaves. There are forms with pale blue and white flowers. Blooms in April-June. Thin, long, creeping stems touch the ground and take root, resulting in large, light green carpets, especially in wet areas. Suitable for growing on lawns, alpine slides, as well as terraced rockeries and anchoring slopes. Absolutely unpretentious, sometimes aggressive, often becomes a weed on lawns. Good for making carpets. Moisture-loving, but drought-resistant. Hardy, but in snowless winters it partially freezes out, after which it quickly recovers. Most effective on poor dry soils in partial shade.

Veronica sibirica (Veronica sibirica) In the wild, Veronica is found only in Eastern Siberia, the Far East, grows in forests and meadows. Tall slender plant (40-150 cm tall) with strong unbranched stems. Oblong-lanceolate, rather large leaves are arranged in layers of 3-9 in a whorl. Small blue flowers are collected in long apical spike-shaped inflorescences (up to 30 cm long), single (sometimes there may be several). The calyx is five-part. Corolla with a long tube and a bend, the petals are blue, can be pink or white. Grown in gardens and parks, in open areas. During flowering, the curtain of Veronica siberian has a healthy and strong appearance, the plants "stand like a wall", attracting a lot of bees and bumblebees. Requires almost no maintenance, propagated by dividing the bush.

Alpine Veronica (Veronica alpina) Alpine Veronica grows in the mountains almost throughout Eurasia, on alpine, subalpine meadows, damp river banks, streams, rocks, pebbles. A perennial plant with purple flowers in a few-flowered apical capitate racemes. Plant height - up to 25 cm, thin, creeping shoots, covered with soft hairs. The upper leaves are alternate, the rest are opposite, ovoid.

Veronica verna (Veronica verna) Grow on slopes, roadsides, dry slopes. Annuals, biennials with pinkish-blue or pale blue flowers with blue stripes, in elongated apical and lateral multiflorous dense spike-shaped racemes, later elongating and looser.

Veronica sajanensis Grows in the highlands in subalpine and alpine meadows, less often in the tundra. Krasnoyarsk region. Tuva. Endemic. Stems erect, 40-70 cm tall, with pale blue flowers, collected in a dense cylindrical apical raceme.

Veronica tubiflora (Veronica tubiflora) Lives in meadows and among bushes. General distribution: East Asia. Perennial up to 60 cm tall. Stems are simple, furrowed, glabrous. Leaves are alternate, less often opposite, sessile, linear or linear-lanceolate, 3-7 cm long, 2-5 mm wide, wedge-shaped at the base, sharp at the apex. The inflorescence is apical, spike-shaped, up to 30 cm long. The flowers are blue, up to 8 mm long, with a tube 3-4 times longer than the limb.

Veronica virginica (Veronica / Veronicastrum virginica / Leptandra virginica) Homeland - East of North America. Plants up to 130 cm tall. The bush is resistant. The leaves are lanceolate, juicy green, whorled. The flowers are white or blue, collected in a paniculate inflorescence up to 15 cm long. Blooms from June to August. In culture since 1714.

Australian Veronica (Veronica plebeia) Southeast Australia. Perennial up to 30 cm tall, with blue small flowers, collected in apical inflorescences. A sprawling shoot with creeping branches. Heart-shaped leaves with sharply dissected edges.

Veronica allionii with small purple flowers, collected in apical inflorescences.

Austrian Veronica (Veronica austriaca) with bright blue stellate flowers in 2-4 lateral, elongated, single or opposite racemes emerging from the axils of the upper leaves, 20-50 cm high. Drought-resistant. Suitable for lawns and alpine slides, rockeries terraces.

Veronica biloba (Veronica biloba) with light blue flower racemes, elongated, loose, few-flowered.

Veronica calycina (Veronica calycina) with small blue flowers, collected in apical inflorescences.

Veronica ciliate (Veronica ciliata) with blue flowers in the apical short few-flowered racemes.

Veronica daurica (Veronica daurica) with white flowers in the apical racemes, single or several.

Veronica densiflora with blue flowers in the apical dense rounded racemes, elongating after flowering.

Veronica filamentous (Veronica filifolia) with thin clusters of milky white flowers with blue veins, pillow-shaped perennial.

Veronica formosa with bluish-lilac flowers.

Veronica graceful (Veronica gracilis) with single blue flowers.

Veronica grandiflora (Veronica grandiflora) with bright blue flowers, collected in few-flowered inflorescences.

Gray-haired Veronica (Veronica incana) is a whitish-tomentose-pubescent plant with narrow dense spike-shaped clusters of flowers. There are garden varieties and forms. Drought-resistant, winter-hardy without shelter. Suitable for lawns and alpine slides.

Veronica linseed (Veronica linariifolia) with blue flowers in the apical, dense and long, single brushes, less often in the axils of the upper leaves lateral brushes are formed.

Veronica large-scaled (Veronica macrostemon) with blue-violet flowers, collected in apical, capitate racemes, by the end of flowering, significantly elongating.

Veronica maximowicziana with whitish flowers with lilac veins, collected in apical brushes.

Snow Veronica (Veronica nivea) with pale blue or white small flowers, collected in drooping apical inflorescences.

Veronica pinnata (Veronica pinnata) with light blue, sometimes white or pinkish flowers in apical, sparse, long pointed racemes, 5-25 cm long.

Veronica Polozhiae (Veronica polozhiae) with pale pink or whitish flowers on long pedicels, located 1-3 in the axils of one of the opposite leaves.

Veronica porphyriana (Veronica porphyriana) with dark blue almost sessile flowers in the apical dense racemes 3-8 cm long and 1.5-2 cm thick, lengthening when flowering.

Veronica creeping (Veronica repens) is an excellent plant for sodding the soil under trees with small pale blue flowers (there are forms with white and pink flowers).

Stony Veronica (Veronica schistosa) with pale blue flowers in a long brush. Drought-resistant.

Veronica scutellata (Veronica scutellata) with pale blue or pinkish flowers on very thin long pedicels, collected in very loose brushes, are formed one by one in the axil of one of the opposite leaves.

Veronica sessiliflora (Veronica sessiliflora) with light blue almost sessile flowers, collected in apical, single dense brushes.

Veronica fake (Veronica spuria) with blue or blue flowers, collected in apical and lateral brushes, forming a paniculate-racemose inflorescence.

Garden plants

Veronica. Planting and leaving

How to grow veronica in the country, in the garden

Veronica. Growing and care

Care. unpretentious, caring for her is simple. Planting and flowering dates: blooms in May. This plant is planted in spring, summer and autumn. Frost resistance: tolerates winter well.

Veronica. general description

Veronica is a perennial herb. It is common in European countries, Siberia and the Far East. Veronica is a rhizome plant. It is represented by many species, which differ significantly among themselves in height, shape, color and arrangement of leaves, color of flowers, timing of flowering.

Veronica creeping blooms from the second half of May. The plant is undersized. It has small light blue, white or pink flowers that form cluster inflorescences and small green leaves.

Veronica Dubravnaya blooms from late May to early June. This is a stunted species of Veronica. In the plant, small bright blue flowers form cluster inflorescences. Leaves are diverse - they can be ovoid, pinnately dissected, heart-shaped.

The prostrate veronica blooms from May to July. It belongs to undersized plants. Her leaves are narrow, long, and the flowers form lush inflorescences-brushes of white, light blue, pink, blue color.

Veronica Stellera blooms at the end of May. The plant is undersized. The leaves have a serrated edge, and the blue and purple flowers are collected in cluster inflorescences that resemble heads.

Veronica Schmidta blooms from late May to late June. This species of undersized Veronica has small leaves. The flowers are varied in color (white with purple strokes, purple with white strokes) and form dense cluster inflorescences.

Veronica broadleaf blooms in late May and continues to bloom throughout June. She belongs to the medium-sized species. Its leaves are ovoid or cordate with a serrated edge. Bright blue, pink and white flowers form opposite cluster inflorescences.

Veronica gentian begins to bloom in late May and continues until early June. It belongs to tall plants. Her leaves are oval, often with a white border. The flowers are light blue, pale blue with blue veins, form cluster inflorescences.

Veronica. Varieties

The different types of Veronica come in many varieties. The most popular hybrid varieties of this plant are presented in table.

Table. Types and varieties of Veronica


Many of us in the forest or in the meadow more than once met Veronica - cute plants with blue or blue inflorescences. Probably because some types of Veronica are widespread in nature, they are not often found in gardens. However, on the basis of wild plants, many wonderful varieties of Veronica have been created, as well as their hybrids, which are just asking for our mixborders and alpine slides. There are also many rare species of Veronica that can decorate the collections of many sophisticated florists. In this article, I will not be able to tell about all Veronica, since there are about three hundred species of them, but I would like to draw your attention to those that, in my opinion, are worthy of wider recognition by flower growers. There are several versions why the plant was named Veronica. One of the legends says that it got its name in honor of St. Veronica. Saint Veronica is a woman who gave Jesus, who was going to Golgotha, a cloth to wipe the sweat from his face. The face of the Savior remained on the fabric. After the invention of photography, by papal decree, Saint Veronica was declared the patroness of photography and photographers.

Veronica is considered one of the most beautiful among the flowers of Veronica. This is a long-lived perennial with thick shoots up to fifty, and sometimes up to seventy centimeters in height, on which oppositely located ovoid serrated leaves, pubescent below. The varietal Veronica is large, with a rare planting, the shoots form a beautiful dense, almost domed dark green bush. From the end of May to almost mid-July, the top of the bush-dome becomes dazzling blue thanks to the numerous blossoming flowers, from about seventy millimeters to one and a half centimeters, collected in dense racemose inflorescences up to fifteen centimeters long. Due to the beauty of the inflorescences, Veronica is often called the Royal Veronica.

Growing Veronica:

Royal Veronica can be grown in almost any garden drained soil, but it gives preference to loam. The plant is light-requiring, but it grows tolerably and develops in partial shade. Loves abundant watering, but can tolerate short droughts and absolutely does not tolerate soil locking in the cold season. It hibernates without shelter, withstands frosts up to forty degrees below zero.

Veronica is most often propagated by seeds - it is not difficult to grow it from seeds. If there are not many seeds, it is advisable to sow them for seedlings. Having grown even one large Veronica bush, you will be able to collect and sow your seeds in the future - their plant ties well, they ripen in September. Seeds can be sown directly into the ground in fall or spring. Veronica large is also often propagated by dividing the bush: they do it either in the spring, as soon as the plant starts to grow, or in the autumn periods, September-early October. Experienced flower growers propagate royal veronica with green cuttings, which are cut from the tops of young spring shoots before flowering.

Usually Veronica big is planted in a mixborder, where it perfectly sets off plants with large and bright flowers. However, I believe that the beauty of the royal Veronica is more expressive if she grows solo, for example on the lawn. Inflorescences of Veronica large can also be used for cutting.

Another rather large and not very widely known species is Veronica gentian or Veronica Kemularia. This plant has leathery, thick, rounded-lanceolate leaves up to fifteen centimeters long, collected in basal rosettes. The variegated form of Gentian Veronica - Variegata is especially good. Over time, whole clumps of such unconnected outlets are formed. Most of the leaves from the rosettes overwinter, and new ones begin to grow in the period from April to May. A little later, peduncles from thirty to eighty centimeters high, rarely covered with small leaves, appear above the rosettes. At the end of May, graceful brushes of rather large, like for Veronica, about a centimeter in diameter, white-blue flowers with blue veins, bloom on the peduncles. Veronica gentian blooms for two to three weeks until mid-June.

Veronica gentian is a long-rhizome plant. When, after flowering, young daughter rosettes are formed at the ends of the stolons, the mother plant dies off. Therefore, in winter, several independent outlets leave.

Veronica Kemularia is unpretentious: she is photophilous, but it will grow in partial shade without any problems. It develops well on almost any well-drained soil, including limestone. Since this Veronica grows wild in wet mountain meadows, do not forget to water it in the garden.

Veronica gentian seeds are propagated vegetatively. They can be sown before winter or in spring directly into open ground or sown in spring for seedlings. And you can also cut off a piece of rhizome with roots in spring or autumn and plant it in a new place.

Veronica gentian is planted in the foregrounds of mixborders, separate clumps are created from plants, large rockeries are decorated with it, especially those that are near water bodies.

Veronica plant: types, varieties, care

Veronica belongs to the most ancient medicinal plants, the beauty of which was not immediately appreciated by gardeners. It has been cultivated as a remedy for diseases of the stomach, kidneys and lungs since the Middle Ages, but it began to be used as a decoration for flower beds much later. But breeders have made up for lost centuries in full, breeding many varieties that flaunt interesting shapes and offer a wide selection of different plant sizes. Veronica is so firmly entrenched in the flower garden as a companion plant that it is almost impossible to imagine colorful ensembles filled with halftones and openwork without her. Along with such unpretentious crops as catnip and sage. Veronica allows you to simplify the maintenance of the garden as much as possible and, accordingly, will save the owners' time, allowing them to fully enjoy their rest. But Veronica has one advantage over similar in structure herbaceous perennials: she flaunts slender, elegant lines and creates a more delicate texture of the background, which makes it possible to lift soloists on flower beds in a more elegant frame.

Veronica, whose beauty was rightfully appreciated and loved, today represents an extensive genus of plants of various heights and intensity of color. Veronica is considered one of the main unpretentious herbaceous perennials with a color in blue tones, bringing depth, intimacy, coolness and tranquility to flower beds. The species diversity of Veronica is quite large. Among the plants with this name, there are compact low-growing species, such as Veronica broad-leaved or Veronica gentian, and tall perennials that reach 1 meter in height (for example, Veronica long-leaved). On sale today there is also a plant called "Veronica Virginia", which is actually a completely different species, albeit similar to Veronica in the structure of thin small-flowered inflorescences, candles and narrow leaves - Veronicastrum Virginia. This plant is only suitable for creating a high background of a flower garden, because it often reaches more than 1.5 meters in height. This perennial is also unpretentious and hardy, like all Veronica, but it is a much larger plant.

The best species of Veronica belongs to Veronica long-leaved, which adorns flower beds in July with graceful fluffy conical inflorescences (the plant reaches 80 cm in height); Veronica spikelet with larger and denser inflorescences in the form of openwork flowering candles, which bloom in early summer (all varieties of spikelet veronica do not exceed 30 cm in height and can be used as ground covers); the same height Veronica is broad-leaved with bright, thin inflorescences and larger leaves, which looks very good in borders.

According to the color palette, the vast majority of Veronica are blue-flowered, but among the many new hybrid varieties, if you wish, you can find very original plants with white inflorescences or representing a more noble and bright purple gamut. In color, Veronica can be either pale, muted, or the brightest. A rich blue is found in Veronica broadleaf, which has slightly larger inflorescences. The most striking, in particular, belongs to the "Knallblau" variety with a bright ultramarine color. The pink-colored variety of Veronica spikelet "Baby Doll" or the purple variety "Rotfuchs", flaunting with delicate short-rounded inflorescences, the variety of Veronica long-leaved "Pink Damask", will easily compete with him in imposingness and variegation.

Regardless of species, variety and growth, Veronica is always a companion plant that will demonstrate itself as an accompanying crop as an irreplaceable and unpretentious perennial. Veronics have a unique ability to gracefully and unobtrusively fit even into an already formed flower garden, where they are called upon to fill the voids. Thanks to slender silhouettes and graceful lines, any garden ensemble Veronica not only complements, but makes it even more interesting in shape, texture, colors. Creating the effect of an inner glow in a duet with plants blooming in warm colors, Veronica is great for creating optical effects.

Veronica is widely used in landscape design. If you plant several varieties side by side with different dates, then the flowering of Veronica can be extended from May to the end of September. Low-growing species and varieties are appropriate not only in the foreground of a flower garden, but also in borders, on alpine hills and in rockeries. But tall, in addition to the traditional role of accompaniment, will feel great in mixborder tapes. Veronica, despite the status of a classic flowerbed herbaceous perennial, unexpectedly elegantly looks in the design of reservoirs, in particular, ponds. It goes well with lilies, daylilies, yarrow, meadowsweet, loosestrife and cornflower. Like the catnip, Veronica can be used as an accompanying partner for roses, both flower beds and larger ones. Modest candle-shaped inflorescences-spikelets surprisingly gracefully emphasize the luxury of roses, as if shading the queen of the garden with an openwork veil with beautiful details: pointed leaves, thin inflorescences. Veronica is one of the favorite plants of bees and bumblebees. It can be grown in pots, both in solo batches and in prefabricated compositions. Best of all, Veronica spikelet shows herself in the role of a potter. This type of Veronica, like long-leaved, is suitable for cutting.

Veronica is very easy to care for. This plant grows well in sunny areas, but in terms of other parameters, the requirements of different species differ. So, Veronica broadleaf prefers dry soil and does not like waterlogging, and long-leaved, on the contrary, grows well even in conditions of excessive watering. Top dressing is applied for Veronica growing on insufficiently nutritious soils, only once every few years. You do not need to water Veronica on the flower garden. All Veronica are perennials, resistant to lodging, rarely sick and not susceptible to diseases and pests. The only threat to plant health is downy mildew, which can appear in varieties that do not like waterlogging during prolonged rains and high air temperatures. If the disease manifests itself, the shoots should be completely removed and, if possible, sprayed with insecticides. It is very easy to propagate Veronica: it is enough to dig a bush and divide it with a shovel into several shares. Division is best done in early spring or August.

A long period of flowering of spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences, resistance to drought and low temperatures, unpretentiousness to soils and the absence of diseases - this is not the whole list of the advantages of perennial grass.

How to grow Spikelet Veronica on your site - read this article. A video master class and a photo gallery will help you better understand the topic.

Veronica spicate, plant features

Veronica spikelet is a perennial herb for growing outdoors.

  • This perennial represents the genus Veronica from the plantain family.
  • There are several more options for the names of this species of Veronica - spikelet veronica, spikelet veronica.
  • An unpretentious culture has become widespread throughout the world: both in warm countries and in regions with cold climates. Moreover, the plant tolerates wintering in central Russia painlessly, without special shelters.
  • Wild Veronica spikelet can often be found in open forest glades or edges, steppe expanses and even in the mountains. The plant prefers an open, sunny area.
  • The rhizome of a perennial culture is thin, superficial, located horizontally to the ground level. Due to this, Veronica easily adapts and grows even on rocky ground.
  • Strong, not branched and slightly pubescent stems reach a height of 15 to 80 cm.
  • The upper and lower leaves are significantly different from each other. The upper ones are sessile, whole-edged, with a sharp apex; the lower ones are petioled, rounded. The length of the leaf blade varies from 1.5 to 9 cm.
  • The inflorescence of Veronica is represented by a dense single raceme located on the top of the peduncle in the form of a spikelet. Flowers on densely pubescent pedicels are practically sessile. The color of the corolla is more often blue or blue, less often pink, white, purple.

  • The flowering of Veronica spicata begins in the first decade of summer and lasts about a month and a half.
  • The fruit of a perennial is a two-lobed capsule, with smooth, elongated seeds.
  • Undemanding to the type of soil, sun-loving Veronica perfectly tolerates both slight drought and waterlogging.
  • Veronica spicata flower is a beautiful ornamental plant used to decorate a variety of landscapes. In addition, the culture is widely known in folk medicine.

Variety and veronica spike

Currently, breeders have bred many varieties of Veronica spicata, differing in color of flowers and other morphological characteristics. Let's consider the most famous varieties.

  • Spikelet Veronica "Rotfux".

A low-growing variety, reaches a height of no more than 45 cm. The bushes are lush, compact. Stems are strong, straight, densely leafy with shiny green leaves. Veronica blooms in mid-summer and blooms for about 1-1.5 months. The flowers of the perennial are small, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, of a bright pink color. The culture favors sunny areas with loose and drained soil. The variety is widely used in landscape design.

  • Veronica spiky "Hydekind".

A low-growing plant, about 30-40 cm high, forms compact bushes. Few erect shoots, covered with oblong, dull-gray leaves. Inflorescences of crimson flowers are dense, spike-shaped. Flowering begins in mid-June and lasts over a month. The variety does not tolerate waterlogging, prefers an open, well-lit area with loose soil. Used as a spectacular ornamental plant.

  • Spikelet Veronica "Alba".

Strong straight shoots of a low-growing (30-50 cm) perennial end with spike-shaped inflorescences. A characteristic feature of the variety is numerous snow-white flowers, densely collected in an ear. The leaves are oblong, green. Blooms from the second half of June to early August. The variety is sun-loving, not picky about fertility.

  • Veronica is spiky blue.

The few strong stems reach a height of about 60 cm. The variety is drought-resistant and unpretentious. Blue flowers are collected in dense apical inflorescences. Abundant flowering begins in June and lasts 30-40 days. In landscape design, it is used as single or group plantings.

  • Spikelet Veronica "Iceicle".

The variety forms single or few strong shoots. The inflorescence is formed by white flowers. Plant height 45-60 cm. The foliage is ovoid, green in color. Long-term flowering (up to 1.5 months), begins in the second half of June. Grows well in sunny areas and drained soils.

Reproduction of Veronica spicata

It is possible to grow a perennial herb, spicate veronica, on your site without difficulty, knowing the main methods of its reproduction.

The plant propagates by seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush. If this spectacular perennial grows with familiar florists, it is easy to propagate it in any convenient way and plant it on your site. If this is not possible, you can buy seeds or seedlings of the plant in specialized stores or nurseries.

Seed breeding method for Veronica spicata

  • Veronica spicata gives a certain self-seeding, so it is better to collect seeds in an organized manner, excluding uncontrolled crops.
  • In order not to miss the seed ripening phase, it is necessary to monitor the formation and ripening of fruit pods immediately after flowering.
  • After the boxes turn yellow and dry, they are torn off and dried a little in a dry, dark place.
  • Dry boxes are threshed, seeds are cleaned and stored in a paper bag. Naturally, high-quality storage of seed material assumes the absence of moisture and light.
  • Plants grown from seeds do not bloom immediately, but at least in the second year after sowing.
  • Reproduction of Veronica spicata from seeds does not guarantee the preservation of the varietal characteristics of the parent individuals.

Vegetative breeding methods for Veronica spicata

Florists practice the propagation of Veronica using cuttings or by simply dividing the plant bush. With such methods of reproduction, all varietal characteristics are preserved.

  • Dividing a bush is the most common breeding method, it is especially successful when transplanting and rejuvenating a perennial, which is carried out every 5-6 years. If it is necessary to separate a part of the plant without waiting for several years, you can do this earlier. The division procedure is carried out in the spring (before foliage appears) or in the fall (after flowering). To do this, first, all aerial shoots are cut off, then the plant is dug up and divided into parts. Each viable part must have at least three basal shoots. If the cuttings are weak, it is better to first root them in the soil substrate, with the addition of peat and sand, and only then plant them in open ground. Digging up the plant is not difficult, given the superficial occurrence of the roots. In addition, this method of reproduction provides faster survival and adaptation of the plant in a new place.
  • For propagation by cuttings, the apical young shoots (10 cm long) are cut, the top is cut off and immersed in water. Prepared cuttings for rooting are placed in a loose substrate of perlite and peat with sand. After successful rooting, the cuttings are planted in open ground. Veronica bushes can be cut from spring to early autumn. From the second half of autumn, it is no longer worth harvesting cuttings, since they will not have time to take root by winter. In summer, planted cuttings need to be given more attention: the shoots are shaded (you can cover them with a film), provide regular watering, airing and gradual adaptation to light.

Growing Veronica spicata

Veronica spicate is an absolutely unpretentious plant, it multiplies easily and grows quickly on the site. The main condition for the successful cultivation of perennials is the correct choice of a planting site and the fulfillment of certain agrotechnical requirements.

  • When choosing a place for planting, taking into account the photophilousness of the culture, they choose an open and sunny area. Light partial shade is also possible.
  • Veronica can grow on almost any soil, preferably light and loose loam. One of the main conditions is good soil drainage and the absence of moisture stagnation in the area. Ordinary gravel can be used as drainage. Soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction is the best option for a plant.
  • A drought-resistant plant, Veronica, tolerates short-term drought better than excessive moisture. Excess or permanent stagnation of moisture can be detrimental to the crop.
  • A hardy and vigorous plant, it is resistant even to trampling. If you step on the bushes of Veronica, they quickly recover and raise the leaves.

Sowing seeds of Veronica spicata

  • Veronica seeds are sown in open ground in the second half of autumn, when the soil is not too cold and frost has not come. The depth of planting seeds in grooves or pits is small, about 5 mm. The approximate interval between seeds is 30 cm. As they grow, the next year, the seedlings are planted, leaving a larger interval (50 cm).
  • You can sow the seeds of Veronica in early spring in boxes for seedlings. At the same time, preliminary stratification (hardening) of the seed material will be required. For this, the seeds are spread on a wet soil mixture (peat and soil), sprinkled with earth and covered with a film with holes. The container is placed in a cold place (refrigerator, cellar) for 3 weeks. After low temperatures, the container with seeds is placed in a warm and bright place. After 2 weeks, the first seedlings appear. Seedling care is usual: watering, light, airing and heat (about 15 0 C).
  • In any case, seedlings will bloom only in the second year of life.

Planting Veronica spicata

  • When planting seedlings of Veronica in open ground, leave a distance between the plants of about 50 cm, taking into account the future growth and branching of the bushes.
  • Planting of seedlings on a flower bed is carried out in the spring in a previously prepared soil (fertilization, drainage, loosening).
  • The holes or grooves are dug shallow, according to the size of the root system of the seedlings.
  • The planting site is spilled with water and the plants are planted in the ground.

Not capricious Veronica is convenient in that it requires minimal care and attention, practically does not get sick and does not need feeding and winter shelter.

  • Watering is carried out as needed, without moisture stagnation. It is especially important to moisten the soil before the flowering period and at the stage of seedling germination. The rest of the time, watering is moderate, not frequent. Veronica tolerates short-term drought well.
  • Mulching the soil around the plant will keep the moderate humid microclimate of the soil longer without additional watering. In addition, the mulch layer prevents the growth of weeds in the flower bed.

  • Veronica spicate is resistant to diseases and pests. Only in rainy weather or excessive humidity can it become infected with powdery mildew, spotting or rust. If characteristic signs (spots, plaque) appear on the leaves, the whole plant is treated with a fungicidal agent (for example, Fundazol). If aphids appear on the plant, the perennial should be treated with an insecticidal agent (Tanrek, Aktara).
  • With a sufficiently fertile soil, additional fertilizing, the culture does not need. In poor soils, it is better to apply mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • If the varieties of Veronica spicata are tall enough, it is necessary to tie the plant to a support.
  • After flowering, the aerial part is cut off so that new green shoots with foliage appear. In this way, you can preserve the attractive decorative appearance of the bush until autumn. Before wintering, the bush is cut off again, leaving 3-5 cm.To prevent infection of the plant by pathogenic bacteria, you should also constantly cut off the faded inflorescences.
  • Every 5 years, you need to rejuvenate the Veronica bush, dividing it into several parts. Delenki will be able to actively develop and grow "with renewed vigor."
  • For the winter, the plant does not need to be covered with anything, it perfectly tolerates low temperatures, and even harsh Russian winters.

Application of Veronica spicata

  • A beautiful landscape plant, Spikelet Veronica is widely used to decorate flower beds, landscaping park areas, reservoirs, decorating mixborders or rockeries. The slender, straight shoots of Veronica with compact spike-shaped inflorescences serve as an ideal backdrop for low-growing or ground cover plants. The flower stalks of the plant are used for cutting, they remain in the bouquet for a long time. In planting, Veronica spicata is perfectly combined with carnations, geraniums, stonecrops, saxifrage, highlander.

  • In addition to its decorative value, Veronica spicata is a well-known medicine. It is used as a wound healing, detoxifying agent (for snake bites). Herbal decoctions are used in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis, and respiratory diseases. Outwardly, the herb infusion is used for various skin diseases, abscesses, fungal diseases, abrasions and cuts. This is due to the flower's anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing and antibacterial properties. Before using any folk remedies, including those with the participation of Veronica spicata, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
  • Veronica spicata is a valuable melliferous crop that attracts bees.

Thus, Veronica spicata is a spectacular ornamental herbaceous plant, distinguished by its high unpretentiousness and endurance.

  • Perennial is a drought-resistant and cold-resistant plant. These valuable qualities make it possible to grow it even in climatic conditions unfavorable for other plants.
  • Veronica spicata is easily propagated by seeds or vegetative parts of the plant. Young seedlings or cuttings quickly adapt to environmental conditions and take root easily.
  • Plant care is practically not required, it is enough to carry out some agrotechnical measures.
  • Subject to the basic rules of planting and care, Veronica spicata will delight others with her magnificent appearance for a long time.

Veronica spiky, photo

Video: "How to grow spikelet veronica"

An unpretentious attractive plant - Veronica, known for its medicinal properties. It relieves inflammation well, stimulates digestion, soothes pain, saturates the body with vitamins. In ornamental gardening, Veronica is valued for its delicate flowering in blue tones and the undemanding nature of the flower to care for. Some Veronica species are excellent honey plants.


The genus Veronica (Veronica) has about 300 species of plants belonging to the plantain family. They are annual or perennial herbaceous plants that are widespread throughout the world in temperate and cold climates.


Veronica has a creeping branched rhizome, stems are straight, single or branched, often spread along the ground. There are species with pubescent stems and foliage. The height of plants can be only a few centimeters (tiny veronica), and reach one and a half meters (long-leaved veronica). There are species - semi-shrubs.

Veronica flowers of various shades of blue and blue, less often white and pink, are collected in spike-shaped, umbellate or paniculate inflorescences.


In ornamental gardening, several varieties of Veronica are popular. Below you can see a photo of Veronica's flowers.

Veronica spikelet... A common perennial variety of Veronica, growing in our country along the edges of the forest, in meadows and fields. The height of the stems of Veronica reaches 40 cm, the tops are crowned with dense inflorescences - spikelets and tassels, up to 12 cm long. The flowers are small, bright blue, white or pink. Veronica spikelet begins to bloom in June, flowering duration is up to 1.5 months. The plant has not only decorative qualities, but also medicinal. Interesting varieties:

Veronica medicinal... Herbaceous perennial, up to 20 cm high, with light green foliage. The flowers are pale blue, collected in carpal inflorescences. Blooms from June to autumn.

Veronica threadlike... Ground cover perennial, forming a spectacular green carpet with small blue and white simple flowers. The plant grows well in the shade, on poor rocky soil. An ideal flower for a rock garden or rockery.

Attention! It grows very quickly, clogging up neighboring plants. Without proper supervision, it quickly becomes a weed!

Veronica big... Plant with erect stems, up to 70 cm in height. The flowers are bright blue, sitting in the apical racemose inflorescences. Blossoms in May, possibly re-blooming in late summer. Requires a garter of the stems to the supports and pruning of faded shoots. Varieties:

Veronica armenian... A low-growing variety suitable for a rock garden. The pubescent bushes of Veronica form dense sods, with blue or lilac fragrant flowers. Bloom begins in June.

Veronica gray... The lush bush grows up to 40 cm in height. The leaf is silvery-green, densely covered with hairs. Inflorescences - brushes are long, consist of a large number of small blue flowers. Blooms in the second half of summer.

Veronica prostrate... A low-growing plant variety that forms a dense carpet of grayish-green foliage. The peduncles of the plant are raised, covered with simple flowers of delicate shades (blue, purple). Varieties with white flowers (Alba) and pink flowers (Rose) have been bred. Veronica is winter-hardy, undemanding to the soil.

Growing conditions

Veronica grows well in sunny areas, but puts up with the shade. Low-growing varieties (filamentous Veronica) are planted in the tree-trunk circles of trees and shrubs, where they feel good and bloom profusely. In addition to the decorative role, ground covers play the role of natural mulch, protecting the earth from drying out and overheating.

Flowers are not demanding on soils, they easily adapt to poor sandstones and heavy clay. Only waterlogged places with stagnant spring melt water should be avoided. In this case, the roots of the perennial can grow out. It is advisable to introduce drainage (crushed stone, sand) into such soil and arrange grooves for water drainage.

Caring for Veronica consists in providing watering during the flowering period and pruning wilted peduncles.
Veronica is extremely rarely affected by pests and diseases.

You can notice on it or other pests that are dealt with with folk remedies (infusion of garlic, onion peel or celandine) or chemicals (Intavir).

For the winter, the plants are not covered, only the aboveground part is cut off at ground level.


Veronica reproduces by seeds, root division and cuttings.

It is convenient to sow seeds before winter in October. The bed is prepared from loose (with a large proportion of sand), weed-free soil.

Spring sowing of Veronica is possible, after the obligatory processing of seeds with cold (stratification). Veronica's seeds are placed in a damp cloth and put into the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment, for a month and a half. After, the seeds are placed in seedling boxes, in loose soil from a mixture of sand, peat and garden soil. Small seeds are not buried, but only slightly sprinkled with soil.

Seedlings of Veronica are watered moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. The temperature is maintained at +16 +18 degrees. Young plants are planted in the ground in May, with the onset of warm weather. Veronica will bloom in the second year.

Cuttings are harvested in summer by cutting off the tops of the stems. The twigs are dipped in slices in Kornevin, and placed on a prepared bed with loose soil. The plantings are shaded and covered with a mini greenhouse (film on arcs or cut plastic bottles for each stalk). Caring for cuttings consists of watering, airing, loosening the soil. The seedlings are transferred to a permanent place next spring.

By dividing the bush, Veronica is propagated in the spring, when the plant has just started to grow after hibernation. The bush is carefully dug up, and divided into parts with a sharp knife or shovel. The strip should contain at least 3 stem buds. Rhizomes are planted without deepening the buds of growth. The distance between plants should be between 25 and 50 cm, depending on the variety.

It is easy to plant Veronica filamentous, simply by cutting off and digging out the rooted parts of the plant. Its creeping stems form roots in the axils of the leaves, which cling to the ground, thus, the plant grows in breadth. Layers take root in a new place quickly.

Veronica's application

Veronica officinalis, in addition to its attractive appearance, is rich in vitamins and other useful substances. Its infusions are used to gargle with sore throat, drink decoctions for diseases of the kidneys, gallbladder. Outwardly, infusions of Veronica are used to treat fungus, ulcers, eczema.

Young veronica leaves are used for food, as a seasoning for meat and fish, in salads. They taste like watercress.

Other types of Veronica also have medicinal properties, although to a lesser extent. The collection of plants for medicinal purposes is carried out at the beginning of summer. Raw materials are dried in the shade, at a temperature of +40 degrees (you can use electric dryers).

Veronica long-leaved is a wonderful honey plant. It can be planted in an orchard to attract bees.

In decorative gardening, tall varieties of Veronica are used as vertical accents in mixed flower beds, planted in separate groups on the lawn, and decorate the walls of buildings or fences with them. Plants look beautiful, planted in the form of a hedge, along the path.

In mixed plantings, bright "candles" of blooming Veronica look harmoniously with large cereals, echinacea,. Veronica varieties with blue and purple inflorescences are ideally combined with white and yellow flowers.

A stunted Veronica is planted on alpine hills, retaining walls are decorated with it, planting right in the cracks between the stones. Veronica is irreplaceable in rocky gardens.

Possessing tenacious and branched roots, Veronica “holds” the soil well, it is planted with it on slopes and shores of water bodies. The filamentous Veronica looks good in a flowerpot or flowerpot, its long shoots, strewn with flowers, hang beautifully from the pot.

Watch also the video

Veronica is an unpretentious plant that does not require much physical effort to cultivate it. Florists grow it both for decorating flower beds and for medicinal purposes. There are over 500 species for decorative floriculture. This plant can be an annual, perennial and even shrub species. With favorable weather conditions and proper care, it blooms from early to late summer. At the same time, the plant is not at all afraid of trampling, and if this happens, the stems and leaves quickly straighten.

Veronica belongs to the Podorozhnikov class, but is completely different from her representative. But it has signs of nettles and bells.

There are three main ways to grow a flower. This is by seeds, we divide a bush or prepare cuttings.

The seeds are prepared and sown if a healthy varietal shrub is to be grown. Sowing is carried out in the fall directly into the ground or in the spring we prepare seedlings for planting in the ground. If the seedlings have grown too densely, it is necessary to thin out, leaving a distance between the bushes of 20-50 cm.For tall species, create even larger gaps of 50-80 cm.

Before planting the plants, the seedlings are hardened by staying on the street or balcony for a long time.

The fastest and most convenient way to reproduce is to divide the bush. To do this, cut off some shoots with a knife or a shovel and plant them in a new place. The distance between plants of high varieties is 50 cm, lower 40 cm and 30 cm for small ones. It is better to do this in early spring and then the flower will delight you with its flowering in the same year. You can do everything in the fall, but after the flowering of Veronica.

When propagating by cuttings, shoots are cut off to 10 cm and placed in water for germination. Greenhouse conditions are also created by covering the cuttings with cans or cut plastic bottles with the hole up. After the roots appear, they are planted in the ground. It is better to do this in August, so that the stalk takes root in the ground and can bloom next season.

Of course, both cuttings and ready-made sprouts separated from the bush, as well as seedlings, all require watering after planting.

Varieties of planting material and popular varieties

The sheer variety of Veronica species has made it popular in landscape design. These are Allioni, Alpine, Armenian, Austrian. It can be ground cover, tall, evergreen. Flowers can be white, blue, purple. To choose the right plant for your flower garden, you need to determine the conditions of the site.

If Veronica is purchased for a rock garden or rockery, then a low-growing variety is well suited, and tall species are excellent for mixborders. One of the popular varieties is Veronica Bolshaya. She grows 50-70 cm in height. It blooms in mid-summer with fluffy inflorescences. In Veronica spikelet, the flowers are shaped like candles. Their height does not exceed 30 cm.It is also worth noting such varieties as:

  • Medicinal,
  • Branched,
  • Dubravnaya,
  • Small.

In terms of color, almost all of them have a blue range. New hybrid varieties are available with white and bright purple flowers.

Planting and leaving

This flower belongs to the unpretentious type, but moderate watering will not harm it. Especially in dry spring before flowering. Watering is recommended to be done with warm, settled water. Excessive moisture can kill the plant.

Herbaceous sprawling species do not tolerate droughts, stop blooming and may die. High grades easily endure the heat. Veronica gray-haired survives if it loses most of its moisture. The most resistant to drought is small-fruited. Filamentous, gentian, prostrate Veronica love moist soil, but tolerate dry times. Any novice florist can easily cope with caring for this plant.

Absolutely any soil is suitable, but loamy soil is better. The flower feels great in open sunny areas, but it also copes well with shading. It should be said that the shade and partial shade will not allow all the decorative properties of the plant to unfold.

When the flower fades, it is pruned to make the flower beds attractive. Pruning also provides an impetus for the growth of fresh foliage.

Veronica requires almost no fertilization or feeding. If the soil is very poor, this can be done once every two to three years.

You need to feed it with organic fertilizers in the form of peat, manure.


Veronica tolerates frost well and does not need shelter. Peat or humus can be added to the roots, which will only improve the quality of the soil, and the ground part is cut off completely.

Branched and woody species require protection from extreme cold.

Neighborhood with other colors

A flower looks beautiful with different plants in a flower bed: roses, lilies, chamomiles. Looks good and elegant in a completely finished flower garden, fits into it. It is also good for decorating the banks of reservoirs and small ponds. Veronica rurauchnaya grows on the water and floats on the surface. A small disadvantage of tall flowers is that they must be tied up so that the bush looks aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. Low-growing ones are renewed by removing faded inflorescences and the appearance of fresh ones, which give the flower an attractive appearance all season.

Diseases and pests

Veronica is a disease and pest resistant plant. Downy mildew, which appears during prolonged rains and high air temperatures, will be a threat to the flower. If this happens, the shoots are completely removed.

Veronica plowed undergoes a viral disease of raspberry, ring spot. Occasionally, the caterpillars of the scoop and moths can attack. Caterpillars are especially fond of young shoots and foliage.

Raising soil temperatures, stopping watering, and regular maintenance (weeding) help control pests. This flower loves aphids and nematode. The plant is treated with insecticides according to the instructions. Dried inflorescences are removed from decay, which prevents the disease.

Veronica belongs to the genus of flowering plants. The name comes from the Latin "Veronica" and translates as - "real medicine."

There are about 300 varieties of this plant. Widespread in Russia.

Delicate and unpretentious plants, in the photo you can see their charming beauty, which will decorate any area.

Description of species and varietiesplants

Veronica has hybrid and non-hybrid varieties. Non-hybrid varieties - conformity to the parent plant, hybrid - progeny splitting.


A wild species, it grows mainly in the European region of Russia.

Possesses cordlike and creeping roots. Single straight stems up to 3 in number, have a height of up to 70 cm.

The upwardly directed pedicels are the same length as the bracts. The flowers are arranged in four clusters.

In the final stage of flowering "Big Veronica" shoots diverge on the sides of the central part, forming a wreath in the plant bush.

Bright blue corolla up to 1 cm, pointed broadly ovate. The stamens are the same size as the corolla.

It's important to know:"Big Veronica" endures the winter without shelter.

The wide box has a shallow recess. Moisture-loving and sun-loving species, at the same time it is drought-resistant.


The birthplace of "Armenian Veronica" is Asia Minor. The plant is perennial, erect, from 30 cm to 70 cm high.

A drought-resistant and fragrant plant that blooms once. Bright and rich blue flowers, up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

Spike inflorescence up to 10 cm in length. Flowering begins in May and ends at the end of July.

Good to know:"Armenian Veronica" is in great demand among flower growers, due to its unpretentious appearance.

Sessile leaves, pinnately dissected. Reproduction takes place with the help of seeds and division of the rhizome. Grows on an alkaline substrate in black earth areas.


Alpine perennial plant, up to 30 cm high. Distributed in Eurasia and prefers:

  • alpine meadows;
  • river banks;
  • rocky places;
  • pebble areas.

It has a filamentous creeping rhizome. The flowers are purple, from 3 to 20.

The capitate inflorescences smoothly become elongated, with hard hairs. Obovate capsule up to 8 mm, has a pubescent apex.

Elliptical seeds are flat, up to 1 mm. Ascending stems with small, thin shoots. Oblong-elliptical leaves up to 3 cm, have a pointed shape.


A perennial plant that is widespread in the Caucasus and Crimea. Flowering begins in mid-spring and lasts until the end of July.

The height of erect, sparsely hairy stems reaches 60 cm. The calyx consists of 4 lobes. The diameter of the blue rim is up to 10 mm.

Round capsule with pubescent top. The thyroid seeds are up to 2 mm wide. "Austrian Veronica" is used in an artificial mountain landscape.


Perennial drought-resistant species, up to 50 cm high. Sun-loving, can grow in the shade, on a garden plot with loose soil. Stratus oblong leaves.

"Spikelet Veronica" grows in shallow water, up to 20 cm.

The flowering of "Spikelet Veronica" begins in early June and lasts almost a month. The color of the flowers depends on the variety:

  • blue;
  • pink;
  • purple;
  • White.

Hybrid Veronica "Blue Plume" is a hybrid of "Spikelet Veronica" and "Long-leaved Veronica".


Photophilous perennial species, does not tolerate shady areas. It is drought-resistant, but at the same time it is a moisture-loving plant.

In winter time it does without shelter. Basal rosette of leaves up to 20 cm long.

Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks, starting in late May. Peduncles are up to 70 cm high. Bright leaves with a white border.

Note:"Gentian Veronica" has a dwarf variety "Nana", no more than 15 cm high, with a stem of 20 cm.

Plants of "Gentian Veronica" easily take root in pieces with a peduncle. Cultivation takes place in any area. Vegetative propagation occurs in areas of the root system.

Ground cover plants


Perennial and annual unpretentious plant. Branched long stems with spreading branches.

Creeping shoots of "Threadlike Veronica" have the property of instantly rooting and spreading over a vast territory.

Round, sparsely hairy leaves, slightly dull at the apex. A thin pedicel has one flower.

The color combination of the corolla is blue and white. Bilobate convex box - 5 mm wide.

The nest contains up to 10 oblong, flat seeds. Grow "Thread Veronica" for use in landscape design.

"The outstretchedVeronica"

The name of the species comes from the Latin "prostrata" - "creeping".

Numerous grayish stems evenly pubescent. The brushes are located in the axils of ordinary leaves.

Broadly obovate capsule. Round, yellowish seeds up to 1 mm. The area spreads over the regions of our country:

  • European part;
  • Western Siberia;
  • Ciscaucasia.

The stretched Veronica forms a compacted massive "carpet", 15 cm high.

Propagated by seeds, which are sown in late autumn or early spring. Flowering occurs in 2 years. "Prostrate Veronica" is listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region as an ornamental plant grown in Moscow botanical gardens.


« Peduncle Veronica "differs from previous Ground Cover Veronica in blue flowers.

It blooms early, from the beginning of May. Well creeping stems make their way through rocky terrain. Frost-resistant plant variety.

"Veronicastrum" - refers to perennial flowering plants of the genus Veronica. The species of this plant are used as decorative, for open ground.

The varieties "Veronicastrum" are very much appreciated in the conditions of growing natural gardens, as they do not require a daily run.

The variety "Veronikastrum Virginsky" has an amazing bluish color of leaves and inflorescences of lilac color with a pink tint.

Take a note: variety "Veronikastrum Siberian" can withstand frosts down to -34 ° C.

An amazing plant Veronica will give originality and beauty to any site. Not whimsical to care for, will delight many flower lovers with its unforgettable, fragrant aroma.

How to plant a flower Veronica in your garden, see the advice of an experienced gardener in the following video: