Osho Rajneesh mirror of enlightenment. Osho mirror of enlightenment the message of the playing spirit. You only see what is in you


Good morning!

Osho. Looking in the mirror is meditation.

In the evening, before going to bed, close the door of your room and place a large mirror in front of you. The room must be completely dark. Now set up a small fire on the side of the mirror so that the flame is not reflected in the mirror. The mirror should only reflect your face, not the flame.

Look continuously into your own eyes reflected in the mirror. Don't blink. The experience should last forty minutes, and after two or three days you will be able to watch the entire forty minutes without blinking. Even if tears well up in your eyes, don't pay attention. But still, don't blink and keep making eye contact.

After two or three days of exercise, you will be able to observe a very strange phenomenon: your face will begin to take on new forms. You may be scared! The face in the mirror will begin to change. Sometimes you will see a completely different face - you never knew your face could be like that. But all the faces you see belong to you. It starts to explode the unconscious mind. These faces, these masks are yours. And sometimes you can even see a face that belonged to you in a past life.

After a week of constant practice—forty minutes of staring every night—your face will be a continuous stream of shapes. A lot of faces will show up and disappear all the time. After three weeks of study, you will not be able to remember which of these faces is yours. You will not be able to remember your own face because so many faces have come and gone.

If you continue, one day, after about three weeks of exercise, a very strange thing will happen: suddenly there will be no face in the mirror! The mirror will be empty! You look into the void, there is no face!
Here is the moment! Close your eyes and face the unconscious. When there is no face in the mirror, just close your eyes. This is a very important point. Close your eyes, look within, and you will meet the unconscious. You will be naked, completely naked - as you are. All deceptions will fall.

This is your reality. But society has created so many shells that you are not aware of it. And once you know yourself in your nakedness, total nakedness, you become a different person. Now you cannot fool yourself. Now you know what you are.

Until you know what you are, you cannot be transformed. Only this naked reality can be transformed. And then, in fact, only the will to transform will bring about this transformation.

As you are, you cannot change. You can replace one false with another: a thief can become a monk, a criminal can become a saint – but that is not a real transformation. Transformation means what you really are.

The moment you meet the unconscious, you are face to face with your reality, with your true being. There is no false social being. Your name is not there, your form is not, your face is not. There is only the naked reality of your nature, and in this naked reality transformation is possible.

The technique of looking in the mirror is a very powerful way of knowing your abyss and your naked reality. And once you know it, you become its owner.

He is and He is not

It moves and does not move.

It is the largest and smallest.

He is formless and has many forms.

He has no name and all names are His.

He is in everything and He is outside of everything.

You only see what is in you

One day a great philosopher came to Gautama Buddha and asked, "Can you prove the existence of God?" The Buddha replied, "If you are really looking for proof, are you ready to fulfill one condition?"

The philosopher replied that he was ready for any conditions in order to obtain solid evidence. Then the Buddha said, “The condition is this: for two years, sit silently by my side, don't ask any questions, and don't start any arguments.

Just be silent and sink deeper and deeper into silence. In two years, I'll call you myself."

Exactly two years later, the Buddha asked the philosopher, "Do you need any evidence?" The philosopher laughed and said, “Now I understand why you made such a condition.

Silence is proof enough and there is no other. Silence cleared the mirror of my consciousness and the truth was reflected in it.

The Divine is revealed the moment the heart becomes like a mirror. That is why the knowledge of truth begins with the comprehension of the art of clearing the mirror of consciousness.

We are not talking about making a mirror, because we are all essentially mirrors. The job is to clean and polish the mirror.


This book has no beginning and no end. It is beyond beliefs and beyond philosophies.

This book flows through time and worlds. It consists of words, but the words are saturated with silence and sincere gratitude. Gratitude of the Existing to the Existing.

This book is silence and dialogue. And there are no ready-made answers in it, because all answers grow from our questions.

This book is for us to see. It creates clarity, transparency, awakening.

This book is the breath of Illumination and manifested through love, contemplation, prayer and compassion.

This book is the radiation of the Cosmos. It reveals new dimensions, brings a new vision, a new birth.

This book is destruction and creation. It sweeps away conventions, superstitions and prejudices and opens the gates to the mystery of the playing Spirit.

This book can be heard by anyone who is able to hear the music of the stars, the prayer of heaven and the singing of springs.

This book is a state of being, a gift of resurrection, a continuous rebirth. She is enveloped in the enchanting aroma of the Unknown. Unknown, Unfathomable.

This book is a joyful "yes" to all living things.

Through it, a touch of eternity is felt. And this touch, aroma, breath of Enlightenment can be felt in the words of Jesus, in the silence of the Buddha, in the laughter of Lao Tzu, in the presence of many Teachers who fill the Universe with their love.

This book is an invitation. An invitation to dive into the ocean of being, consciousness and bliss. This book has no author, because all names, forms, personalities, masks have dissolved in the space of Enlightenment.

Due to the thick layer of dust, the mirror loses its ability to reflect. And no one knows how much dust has collected - dust from desires, thoughts, selfish motives, actions. There is no point in exploring this dust.

We must get rid of her. If the dust is swept away, the mirror becomes a mirror. And everything becomes a mirror for him who is himself a mirror. For we see around us only what we ourselves are. Everything we see is our projection.

The projector is inside and the screen is outside. If in the outside world we do not see goodness, joy, divinity, this means that we do not experience divinity within ourselves. One who realizes God within begins to see God in everything, even in stone. And the one whose heart is like a stone considers everything, even God, to be a stone. The day we recognize enlightenment within ourselves, the outer world will appear before us as a radiant space of enlightenment.

To become a mirror, one must not only remove the old dust, but also not collect the new one. If we continue to live in a way that encourages the accumulation of new dust, it is impossible to become a mirror. Memories are old dust, desires are new dust. Everything that happened in the past is just a dream. There is no need to carry the useless burden of the past. To satisfy desires, the future is necessary. Actually, exactly desire and creates the future otherwise the future would not exist.

Time consists only of the present. Existing only now. The past is only a memory, the future is only a desire. Past and future are just dimensions of the mind, not dimensions of time. Dead living in the past day. Not born living in the future. Only free from past and future becomes a mirror.

Eternity stretches between the past and the future, and in this eternity the mirror of the enlightened spirit shines, in which images of all things appear. And only one who has become a mirror, only one who knows himself can realize whether these images are reflections of the surrounding world, or whether the surrounding world is a reflection of these images.

Having become a mirror, he sees all existence in himself and his presence in all existence. In the life of such a person there is no attachment, no suffering, no disappointment. The fullness of being dances in his life, and his life rejoices in the fullness of being. And the mirror is not attached to what it reflects. If a person moves away from the mirror, then it does not crumble into fragments from longing and affection. A mirror is the same if it is empty or filled with reflections.

Prem Ananda

Love is the breath of the soul

Love is not an action. If someone is doing it or doing it, then it is not love. Love is an existence, not an action. You can't "make" love twenty-four hours a day. Every action brings fatigue. And if you are tired, you want to relax. Therefore, those who make love relax in hatred, in something opposite to love.

That is why your love is mixed with hate. One and the same person is both an object of love and hatred, one moment you love him, the next moment you hate him. This is the conflict, and it exists as long as love is doing, doing.

We must understand that love is not doing. You can love, but you can't "make" love. You can love, but you can't make love. You should not apply the terms of psychological relationships to love, but it is better to use the terms of the state of consciousness. If there is love, then it is a state of consciousness. It can be focused on one person, or it can be focused on the whole. If it is focused on one person, then it is called love, if it is focused on the universal, then it turns into a state of prayer.

The state of love is as natural as breathing. If we breathed with effort, we would get tired of it, we would need to rest from breathing, and we would die. Love is breathing on a higher level. If there is no breath, the body will die. If there is no love, the soul cannot be born. Love is the breath of our soul. When we love, the soul comes alive in us. But one cannot say: "Breathe only in my presence, and do not breathe in other cases." You can’t say: “Live only next to me.” If you obey, you will become dead.

You can't say, "Love only in my presence." There is no monopoly on love. All this does not mean that we must love everyone, but we must be in a loving state of mind. It is like breathing, even in the presence of enemies we continue to breathe.

When we breathe the air of love, our whole aura changes. It becomes sparkling, radiating, joyful. A woman with such an aura becomes super attractive to men. They are trying to buy her, conquer her, take her as a wife. Men subconsciously feel that the aura of love is the perfect soil for seeds to germinate. If you love, you have the strongest magnetic influence.

One day a great philosopher came to Gautama Buddha and asked, "Can you prove the existence of God?" The Buddha replied, "If you are really looking for proof, are you ready to fulfill one condition?"

The philosopher replied that he was ready for any conditions in order to obtain solid evidence. Then the Buddha said, “The condition is this: for two years, sit silently by my side, don't ask any questions, and don't start any arguments.

Just be silent and sink deeper and deeper into silence. In two years, I'll call you myself."

Exactly two years later, the Buddha asked the philosopher, "Do you need any evidence?" The philosopher laughed and said, “Now I understand why you made such a condition.

Silence is proof enough and there is no other. Silence cleared the mirror of my consciousness and the truth was reflected in it.

The Divine is revealed the moment the heart becomes like a mirror. That is why the knowledge of truth begins with the comprehension of the art of clearing the mirror of consciousness.

We are not talking about making a mirror, because we are all essentially mirrors. The job is to clean and polish the mirror.


Love is not an action. If someone is doing it or doing it, then it is not love. Love is an existence, not an action. You can't "make" love twenty-four hours a day. Every action brings fatigue. And if you are tired, you want to relax. Therefore, those who make love relax in hatred, in something opposite to love.

That is why your love is mixed with hate. One and the same person is both an object of love and hatred, one moment you love him, the next moment you hate him. This is the conflict, and it exists as long as love is a doing, an occupation.

We must understand that love is not doing. You can love, but you can't "make" love. You can love, but you can't make love. You should not apply the terms of psychological relationships to love, but it is better to use the terms of the state of consciousness. If there is love, then it is a state of consciousness. It can be focused on one person, or it can be focused on the whole. If it is focused on one person, then it is called love, if it is focused on the universal, then it turns into a state of prayer.

The state of love is as natural as breathing. If we breathed with effort, we would get tired of it, we would need to rest from breathing, and we would die. Love is breathing on a higher level. If there is no breath, the body will die. If there is no love, the soul cannot be born. Love is the breath of our soul. When we love, the soul comes alive in us. But one cannot say: "Breathe only in my presence, and do not breathe in other cases." You can’t say: “Live only next to me.” If you obey, you will become dead.

You can't say, "Love only in my presence." There is no monopoly on love. All this does not mean that we must love everyone, but we must be in a loving state of mind. It is like breathing, even in the presence of enemies we continue to breathe.

When we breathe the air of love, our whole aura changes. It becomes sparkling, radiating, joyful. A woman with such an aura becomes super attractive to men. They are trying to buy her, conquer her, take her as a wife. Men subconsciously feel that the aura of love is the perfect soil for seeds to germinate. If you love, you have the strongest magnetic influence.

When you are overwhelmed with a sense of self-importance, a sense of being right, nothing can enter you. You are filled with your own selfishness. When you are not, everything can pass through you. If there is an ego, you are closed to love, to life, to God.

Be more sensitive, more open, more empathetic, let everything happen in you. Bring yourself into a state of openness, be aware of what resists this openness in you. Open up to the wind, let it pass through you, open up to the music, absorbing it with every cell, open up to the sun, let its rays pass through you, open up to something new.

Open the door and windows of each of your cells. Don't resist the flow of life. Become the space, the sky, say yes to everything and accept everything. The whole existence is ready to pass through you if you yourself are ready.
Osho "Mirror of Enlightenment"

To die for anyone, for anything, is the easiest thing in the world. Living for anything is the hardest thing. Osho.

Suffering is the result of taking life seriously; bliss is the result of the game. Take life as a game, enjoy it. Osho.

Don't teach others, don't try to change them. It is enough that you change yourself - this will be your message. Osho.

Don't run from yourself, you can't be anyone else. Osho.

The greatest fear in the world is fear of the opinions of others. The moment you are not afraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar resounds in your heart - the roar of freedom. Osho.

Bliss is the only criterion for life. If you don't feel that life is bliss, then know that you are going in the wrong direction. Osho.

Inside every old person there is a young person wondering what happened. Osho.

The most inhuman act that a person can commit is to turn someone into a thing. Osho.

Any borrowed truth is a lie. Until it is experienced by yourself, it is never true. Osho.

If you can wait forever, you don't have to wait at all. Osho.

Everything that is experienced can be stepped over; what is suppressed cannot be overcome. Osho.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not? Osho.

If you are calm, the whole world becomes calm for you. It's like a reflection. Everything that you are is fully reflected. Everyone becomes a mirror. Osho.

Sin is when you don't enjoy life. Osho.

Get out of your head and into your heart. Think less and feel more. Do not get attached to thoughts, immerse yourself in sensations... Then your heart will come to life. Osho

When you are sick, call a doctor. But most importantly, call those who love you, because there is no medicine more important than love. Osho.

Make life around you beautiful. And let every person feel that meeting with you is a gift. Osho.

Don't take life as a problem, it's a mystery of amazing beauty. Drink from it, it's pure wine! Be full of it! Osho.

Reasons are within ourselves, outside are just excuses... Osho

Don't expect perfection, and don't ask or demand it. Love ordinary people. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people. Ordinary people are extraordinary. Every person is so unique. Respect this uniqueness. Osho.

The only person on earth we have the power to change is ourselves Osho.

Stop thinking about how to get love and start giving. By giving, you receive. There is no other way... Osho

Learn to laugh more. Laughter is as sacred as prayer. Your laughter will open a thousand and one roses in you. Osho.

To fall is a part of Life, to rise to one's feet is its Living. Being Alive is a Gift, and being Happy is your CHOICE. Osho.

Love is patient, everything else is impatient. Passion is impatient; love is patient. Once you understand that patience means love, you understand everything. Osho.

I don't have any biography. And everything that is considered a biography is absolutely meaningless. When I was born, in what country I was born - it does not matter. Osho.

Until you can say "no", your "yes" will not make any sense. Osho

When you think you are deceiving others, you are only deceiving yourself. Osho.

The head is always thinking about how to get more; the heart always feels like giving more. Osho.

If you don't change right now, you will never change. No need for endless promises. You either change or you don't, but be honest. Osho.

No one has to follow anyone, everyone has to go into their own soul. Osho.

Without you, this universe will lose some poetry, some beauty: there will be a lack of song, there will be a lack of notes, there will be an empty gap. Osho.

In this very moment, you can drop all problems because they are all created by you. Osho.

If you can't say "No", your "Yes" is worthless too. Osho.

The child comes clean, nothing is written on it; there is no indication of who he should be - all dimensions are open to him. And the first thing to understand is that a child is not a thing, a child is a being. Osho

What's wrong with someone laughing for no reason? Why do you need a reason to laugh? A reason is needed to be unhappy; you don't need a reason to be happy. Osho.

Miracles happen every moment. Nothing else happens. Osho.

People believe in the immortality of the soul, not because they know, but because they are afraid. The more cowardly a person is, the more likely it is that he believes in the immortality of the soul - not because he is religious; he's just a coward. Osho.

Before knocking on the right door, a person knocks on thousands of wrong doors. Osho.

Only occasionally, very rarely, do you allow someone to enter you. That is what love is. Osho.

If you have lied once, then you will be forced to lie a thousand and one times to cover up the first lie. Osho.

Just watch why you create a problem. The solution to the problem is at the very beginning, when you first create it - don't create it! You don't have any problems - just understand that.

A woman in love with you can inspire you to such heights that you never even dreamed of. And she asks for nothing in return. She just needs love. And this is her natural right. Osho.

Shri Rajneesh Osho - The Mirror of Enlightenment. The Message of the Playing Spirit


The book is for a wide range of readers, for those who are tired of being comforted by lies, who are tired of hypocrisy, for those who can enjoy life and laugh at themselves, who are not afraid of non-existence and are not afraid of the eternity of life, who are ready to open up to something new.

Mirror of Enlightenment
The message of the playing Spirit

He is and He is not

It moves and does not move.

It is the largest and smallest.

He is formless and has many forms.

He has no name and all names are His.

He is in everything and He is outside of everything.

You only see what is in you

One day a great philosopher came to Gautama Buddha and asked, "Can you prove the existence of God?" The Buddha replied, "If you are really looking for proof, are you ready to fulfill one condition?"

The philosopher replied that he was ready for any conditions in order to obtain solid evidence. Then the Buddha said, “The condition is this: for two years, sit silently by my side, don't ask any questions, and don't start any arguments.

Just be silent and sink deeper and deeper into silence. In two years, I'll call you myself."

Exactly two years later, the Buddha asked the philosopher, "Do you need any evidence?" The philosopher laughed and said, “Now I understand why you made such a condition.

Silence is proof enough and there is no other. Silence cleared the mirror of my consciousness and the truth was reflected in it.

The Divine is revealed the moment the heart becomes like a mirror. That is why the knowledge of truth begins with the comprehension of the art of clearing the mirror of consciousness.

We are not talking about making a mirror, because we are all essentially mirrors. The job is to clean and polish the mirror.


This book has no beginning and no end. It is beyond beliefs and beyond philosophies.

This book flows through time and worlds. It consists of words, but the words are saturated with silence and sincere gratitude. Gratitude of the Existing to the Existing.

This book is silence and dialogue. And there are no ready-made answers in it, because all answers grow from our questions.