How to store walnuts. How to store nuts at home? How peanuts, almonds and pine nuts are cleaned, including from the husk


The walnut is often referred to as the "tree of life". Indeed, thanks to its rich composition, it satisfies hunger, restores strength, and treats almost any disease.

It is enough to eat three nuts a day so that the body receives as many useful trace elements as necessary to maintain health and strong immunity.

But for this it is necessary to stock up on nuts for future use in the fall, while they are fresh and not spoiled by improper storage.
After all, it is not enough to collect them, you also need to save them until the next harvest.

Which walnuts are suitable for storage

  • They should be the same size, clean, without sticking to them, darkened from time to time.
  • There should be no cracks on the shell, as such nuts will not be stored for a long time.
  • Before buying them, you need to split one or two fruits to make sure they are fresh. If the kernel of the nut is dark or has a bitter taste, it is better to refuse such a purchase.
  • You can shake the nuts. If at the same time the characteristic sound of a rolling nucleolus is heard, then such a nut has already dried up from the excessively high temperature at which it was stored.
  • Walnuts should not be very light. Such fruits most often turn out to be empty.

How to keep walnuts in the shell

It is very good if you have your own walnut tree.

  • In this case, dry, settled weather is chosen to collect nuts.
  • The nuts are shaken off the tree. Ripe fruits fall to the ground easily.
  • Peel off the skin, as the nuts become moldy in it.
  • Scatter them on a bed to dry. Ideally, nuts dry for 5-6 days. If the weather does not allow it to be done outside, they are dried at home, scattered on the floor covered with cloth or paper.
  • If the nuts need to be stored for a long time, it is recommended to place them in a warm oven and heat for about an hour to get rid of excess moisture.
  • Store nuts in linen bags or boxes in a dark, dry place. The room temperature should be no higher than 10–15° (room temperature is an extreme case).
  • Some housewives store nuts on the balcony. But this should not be done because of the high humidity, at which the kernels of the nuts will begin to mold.
  • High temperature is also contraindicated for walnuts. After all, they contain a large amount of oil, because of which they quickly become rancid.

How to choose already shelled nuts

Many housewives prefer to buy nuts without shells. Because, firstly, it is convenient, since you do not need to spend your precious time cracking hard shells and extracting nuclei.

Secondly, unlike whole walnuts, which everyone buys like a "pig in a poke", shelled nuts can be seen, smelled and tasted, thereby determining their quality.

  • Walnut kernels should be whole and, if possible, of the same color. In this case, one can hope that they are all of the same variety and not mixed with spoiled kernels or nuts from last year.
  • You can’t buy crushed kernels, because the seller in this way can hide poor-quality goods.
  • Do not buy peeled nuts on the street, because they, like any other product, perfectly absorb dust, exhaust gases and can be infected with pathogens.
  • Before buying nuts, you need to try. If they are bitter or have an unpleasant odor, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Festive video recipe:

How to store shelled walnuts

  • Walnut kernels are stored in sealed glass or tin containers in a dark and cool place. Do not store peeled nuts in a plastic bag, as the lack of ventilation will cause them to rot.
  • The shelf life of nuts at room temperature is about two weeks.
  • To keep peeled nuts for up to six months, they are put in a glass jar, tightly closed with a lid and put in the plus compartment of the refrigerator.
  • So that putrefactive microorganisms do not develop in them, it is recommended that the nuts are first calcined in the oven, while preventing the release of oil. Otherwise, they will acquire a rancid taste.
  • If you need to save the nuts until the next harvest, they are packed in tight plastic bags, hermetically sealed and put in the freezer. So that they do not absorb foreign odors, they are stored separately from other products, especially those with a strong smell.

How to store green nuts

Green nuts are not subject to storage. Most often they are used for medicinal purposes. To do this, they are immediately processed.

What can be cooked from green nuts or green peel

  • Alcohol tincture. The bottle is filled 3/4 of the volume with chopped peel. Fill with vodka or alcohol. Insist for a month in a dark place.
  • green oil. The green peel of walnuts is infused in olive oil in the sun for 40 days (5 pieces per half liter of oil).
  • Green shell juice. It is boiled with honey and used as a gargle for sore throats.
  • Extraction of juice from green nuts. Unripe nuts are washed, dried and cut into thin slices. They are placed in jars and sprinkled with sugar (for 500 pieces they take 1 kg of granulated sugar). Close the neck with thick paper and put in the refrigerator. The juice that is subsequently released is drunk throughout the year.
  • Green nut juice. Nuts are crushed in a juicer and mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1: 2.
  • Decoction of unripe fruits. Chopped green nuts are poured with boiling water (20 g per glass of water) and boiled for 30 minutes.
  • Tincture of green walnuts on kerosene helps with many diseases.
  • Green nuts with honey. They are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 and infused for a month in a dark, cool place. This tincture boosts the immune system.
  • Green walnut jam.

All these methods of storing walnuts are easily implemented both in a private house and in a city apartment. The main thing is to buy high-quality nuts.

The walnut tree, or, as it is also called, royal, has a high yield. The fruit of the culture is an indehiscent bone, in a woody shell of which an edible core is enclosed. This is a real source of health, a gift from nature. Up to 25 kg can be harvested annually from one adult tree. To keep a valuable product fresh for a long time, it is important to know where and how to store walnuts.

Characteristics of a walnut

An important factor that ensures the integrity of the product is the period of maturity. In September - early October, the nut ripens and falls from the tree. The amniotic green peel dries up, bursts into several parts, separating from the bone. The natural shell protects the shell from exposure to ultraviolet rays and oxygen. If the fruit is plucked from the branch and cleaned of greenery on its own, there is a rapid loss of moisture, which leads to disruption of ripening processes.

The oily core contains up to 77% fatty acids:

  • stearic;
  • linoleic;
  • oleic;
  • palmitic;
  • linolenic.

It is because of the high percentage of fat that the conditions and location must be taken seriously, otherwise the storage period will not last up to a year.

Why do nuts spoil

The main reasons for poor quality and spoilage of the product are unsatisfactory indoor conditions, Where is the walnut stored?

Which walnut do you prefer?

If the royal tree does not grow in the yard, useful fruits can be bought. To assess the quality of the product, it is better to purchase a peeled nut. In addition, you do not have to spend time splitting a hard bone. It is not known where and how long the walnuts were stored in the shell before being sold, so light, whole halves are chosen. The dark skin color indicates heat treatment. Too dried slices lose most of the vitamins and nutrients. But such a choice is not suitable for creating strategic reserves. and the cost of the peeled fruit is high.

Stock up if needed nutritious food for the entire winter period, then the nut in the shell is purchased. It should be dry, but not overdried, without a thick green peel. The year of harvest is determined by color: golden or even brown - this year's harvest, darker - last year's. Fruits should be approximately the same variety and size. The presence of any damage, white bloom or spots on the surface of the wood shell indicates a poor-quality product.

Weighing in the hand helps determine the integrity of the edible kernel. A good nut will be significantly heavier than one with a dried core. If you shake it, then by the characteristic knock you can understand that the core is overdried . Purchased nuts before consumption is recommended rinse thoroughly with warm water. After splitting, separate the edible core and ignite in a pan for about an hour over low heat.

It is better to buy large quantities in the fall, since it is at this time that the harvest takes place. So that the purchased product does not deteriorate at home, you need to know how much you can store walnuts in the shell and without it.

Terms and conditions of storage

Saving a large number of nuts until spring is not at all easy. Rich harvests or large purchases will quickly become worthless if favorable conditions are not created. The key to successful storage is the correct temperature regime and regular monitoring of the state of stocks.

Storage methods

O useful properties ah hard fruit known for a long time. It is used in fresh, from which they prepare medicinal tinctures. The oil is famous for its amazing amber hue and rich aroma. . Integers are widely used and crushed kernels in the culinary business. Given the different uses, nuts can be stored in three ways:

  • cleaned;
  • crushed;
  • unrefined.

The first method is the most preferable, since low-quality bones will be removed immediately. This saves space and prevents the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

It is possible to correctly crack the shell without damaging the core by the method of short-term exposure to high temperatures. Required amount of nuts placed in an enamel bowl and poured with boiling water. After 10 minutes, the liquid is drained. With a knife, the hard shell is easily split. You can use a nutcracker or a hammer, but keeping the kernels whole will be much more difficult.

The thickness of the shell is easily checked upon purchase. You need to take two nuts and press them in the palm of your hand. If the bone cracks, then there will be no special problems when cleaning.

A little space is taken up by chopped nuts. The method is also convenient because you can pre-make blanks for future dishes. But the mashed nut does not store well. In this form, it should not be bought in stores and trade pavilions. It is better to do this process yourself. How to grind walnuts at home:

Deep freezing extends shelf life crushed nuts. They are divided into portions, poured into special bags and placed in the freezer. Due to the high oil content, they defrost quickly. The product is ready for use in 15 minutes.

Where to Store Whole Nuts

If there are many fruits, linen bags are used. They must be stored hanging in a dark, cool room. This ensures free access of air from all sides. Periodically, the contents of the bag are examined, dried as necessary.

Nuts stored in wooden boxes do not lose their useful properties. They are placed in a room with minimal humidity and no foreign odors. Nuts are stacked in layers, between which a canvas fabric is stretched. Canvas perfectly passes air, does not absorb water. Moisture formed in any of the layers, thanks to the dense fabric, will not spread through the box. It is not recommended to pour the fruits into a plastic bag. Due to the lack of air, they will lose their taste and smell. If you follow all the rules, the shelf life of walnuts in the shell can be increased to two years.

How to save purified kernels

To prevent shelled walnuts from spoiling, several sequential steps must be followed. The kernels are sorted out, completely cleaned of hard peel and partitions. The remains of the shell accelerate the process of reproduction of fungi, so they must be carefully removed. Nuts are placed in a plastic or glass container, which is hermetically sealed. The container is placed in a cool, dry place at a temperature of +5 to +10 C°. Small containers can be stored in the refrigerator.

During long-term storage, the peeled kernels can be damaged by insects. In this case, the fruits are washed well, then dried in the oven for 10 minutes. Warming reduces the amount of nutrients, but it is the most effective pest control method. Fatty oil in fried halves is released faster, so the shelf life is short - up to 2 weeks.

Honey has good antiseptic properties. Nuts immersed in a bee product are the most useful storage method. Fulfillment of all conditions will allow you to save generous harvests of royal wood, as well as enjoy a tasty and safe nut all year round.

Attention, only TODAY!

The properties of walnuts have long been known. Even in ancient Greece, this fruit was appreciated for its excellent taste, high nutritional value and useful qualities. The nuclei contain vitamins A, B1 - B6, C, K, E. As well as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese and zinc. They are rich in vegetable protein, fiber and essential oils. If you eat 2-3 fruits a day, you can provide the amount of vitamins and minerals the body needs. But you should not get too carried away with the use, especially for people with chronic diseases of the digestive system. In order for the nutrients in the fruits to remain as long as possible, you need to learn how to properly store walnuts at home, and follow the recommendations below.

Which nuts are chosen for storage

The fruits of the correct form, medium and large sizes, without cracks, with a thin shell, are well stored. But at the same time, they must be durable to the touch. Fully ripened fruits have a light color, and a pleasant, slightly sweet aftertaste.

For saving, choose full-weight fruits without signs of mold and the presence of pests.

When a large crop is harvested, the nuts are well washed and dried. But if this is a small batch of fruits, it can be heated in a skillet or in the microwave.

How long do walnuts keep

The shelf life of nuts is determined by the conditions in which they will be, these are:

  • temperature regime,
  • degree of humidity
  • lighting parameters,
  • the material from which the storage container is made.

Standard conditions for long-term savings are described in GOST:

  • temperature from -15°С (precisely minus 15) to +20°С (without sudden jumps);
  • humidity - up to 70%.

Such indicators are optimal for storing nuts for up to 1 year, and their kernels for up to 6 months.

  • In a cold place (near freezing), and high humidity , the shelf life of walnuts does not exceed 6 months. Frozen fruits will be usable throughout the year.
  • At room temperature (approximately + 23 ° C), the fruits can be kept in cloth bags for up to a year. In a glass container closed from light for 10-18 months.
  • Peeled nut kernels are kept in a glass or plastic container for no more than 3 months. And if they are packaged in bags - no more than two.
  • It is not recommended to keep the kernels in a tied package. With this method of storage, they will suffocate and become unusable.

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Storing nuts in the shell

  • Sending fruits for storage, they are pre-dried. Excessive moisture will quickly lead to their decay and mold development.
  • The rest of the peel is removed.
  • When there are many fruits, they are dried in the fresh air in clear weather. But for these purposes, a ventilated balcony, as well as an attic space, is also suitable. Nuts are placed on newspapers in one layer (cloth can be used). Then turn them regularly every 2 to 3 days for uniform drying.
  • More effective method is drying in the oven at +60 - +65 ° С. Baking in the oven will also kill pest larvae. At this temperature, keep the fruits in the oven for at least 2 hours. They are also often dried in metal containers on a hot battery.

Experienced housewives believe that the proper storage of walnuts as a whole occurs at a temperature of -5 ° C - + 10 ° C. Fruits should be at low humidity, especially if they are in cloth bags.

It is unacceptable to keep the crop in the sun. When the nuts are in a glass container on the balcony, you need to cover them with something. And it is better to hide on the shelf of a closed built-in cabinet.

When exposed to high temperatures, a significant part of the vitamins is destroyed. The taste becomes bitter due to a change in the structure of the oils that are present in large quantities in the kernels.

The container in which it is best to store walnuts can be:

  • cardboard,
  • plastic,
  • wooden.

The bottom of the box is covered with corrugated cardboard or wax paper. Storage of walnuts in wooden containers takes place on racks, and if the fruits are in bags, they are hung up.

Rules for choosing a peeled walnut

When purchasing walnut kernels, you can immediately see the product, which, on the one hand, is good. But the shelf life of the kernels is less than that of whole fruits. Therefore, it will not work for a long time to store a peeled walnut.

A fresh, cleaned product has a presentable appearance, without dark spots and insect marks. It is important that the kernels are the same color. This is an indicator that all the kernels are from the same batch, and the seller did not mix stale goods with them.

It is not worth buying an already crushed purified product: no one can guarantee the quality of the feedstock.

In spontaneous markets located right next to the roadway, you can’t buy cores either. They very well absorb dust and exhaust gases of cars. On their surface, various harmful bacteria and even E. coli can be found. O useful qualities it would be pointless to talk about such a product.

Before buying, be sure to try what you are going to buy. The slightest taste of bitterness, or musty bad smell should keep you from buying this product.

Storage of the walnut kernel

The nut, peeled from the shell and partitions, is kept at a low temperature in tightly closed glass or metal containers. They should be isolated from sunlight and kept in places with humidity not exceeding 70%.

Storage of peeled walnuts in plastic containers is not permissible: they will quickly become covered with mold and begin to rot due to lack of air.

At room temperature, walnut kernels can be stored for only 2 months. To avoid the appearance of moth larvae, the kernels should be fried in a pan. You can also ignite foods by placing them in the oven.

Freezing peeled walnuts

The kernels are placed in small portions in bags, well closed and frozen.

Before use, they can be fried in a pan, or it is easier to warm them up with a microwave.

Green (unripe) walnuts can be stored for up to 7 days at +10°C - +20°C, after which they are processed (as a remedy).

In the presence of high-quality raw materials, storing walnuts is not difficult. And this product should be in the diet all year round.

Consider the question of how to store peeled walnuts at home. What methods allow you to increase the shelf life without affecting the composition of the product? What role does heat treatment play and is it possible to do without it?

Let's compare the difference between storing whole and shelled walnuts.

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Do nuts lose nutrients over time?

- a valuable product with a unique composition of mineral waters and vitamins, a specific set of aromatic and tannins. A high proportion of 18 to 21% is protein. Depending on the variety, from 45 to 77% is fatty nut oil, which contains a unique set of saturated and unsaturated acids. Chemical composition varies slightly over time and largely depends on how the walnuts are stored.

A nut is a fruit bone that performs a storage function. Even with a very long dormant period, the nucleus retains a complete set of substances that may be required for the development of a new plant.

Under the shell, a microclimate is created that can protect the kernel from external influences for a long time. It is not difficult to understand how to store walnuts in the shell at home. It is necessary to observe the balance of temperature and humidity, the mode of limited illumination.

If the nut is cleaned and not protected by a strong bone shell, then the influence of external factors increases. Therefore, conditions are created under which all chemical processes slow down, which involve:

  • restriction of air access;
  • reduced temperature.

With strict observance of the regimes, you can store the product for up to a year with virtually no loss of quality.

Useful properties of walnuts

Shelf life

The shelf life mainly depends on compliance with the temperature regime, which is often a problem in a city apartment. It is also necessary to take into account humidity, illumination, type of packaging material or container.

  1. Consumer standards describe how to properly store walnuts. The temperature should be in the range from -15 to +20 degrees, without sharp fluctuations. The limiting level of humidity is 70%. Under these conditions, whole nuts are stored for 12 months, without shells - no more than 6 months.
  2. The question of how to preserve peeled walnuts without losing quality until a new harvest has a definite answer. This is just for the refrigerator. Stocks are stored on the upper shelves for six months, and in the freezer for a year.
  3. At room temperature, which is usually 22-25 degrees, whole nuts in a canvas bag can be stored for about six months, and in glass jars without light - up to 10 months. Nuts without shells are stored in glass or plastic containers for up to 3 months, in canvas bags - no more than 2 months.

Keep in mind that nuts ripen in September, early October. This period is taken as a basis when purchasing a product on the market in order to calculate the shelf life.

Important! The temperature at which it is permissible to store nuts is in the range from -15 to +20 degrees. The main requirement is the absence of sudden changes in temperature.

How to store in the shell?

For long-term storage, medium and large, undamaged specimens are selected, with a thin but strong shell. Ripe nuts are distinguished by a high oil content, a pleasant, sweetish taste, without excessive astringency and bitterness. The skin covering the kernel should be light in color.

Full-weight fruits are selected, without signs of damage or cracking. The shell should not show signs of mold or pest infestation. When harvesting in industrial quantities, the raw materials are washed and dried. At home, small batches are enough to warm up in the oven or in a pan.

Where and how to store walnuts in the shell:

  • in the pantry or in the attic of the house, they choose a dry, completely protected from light place with a temperature regime of 5-10 degrees;
  • a loggia or a glazed balcony is suitable for storage only if it is protected from the penetration of street precipitation and sudden changes in temperature;
  • in basements, storage is permissible at a humidity of 70% and the absence of sharp foreign odors;
  • in the apartment, blanks are stored in places without access to light, away from radiators and heating devices.

Whole nuts are laid out in canvas bags, cardboard or plastic boxes, wooden boxes. The main requirement for the container is cleanliness and the absence of foreign odors. The bottom of the boxes is covered with corrugated cardboard and paraffin paper. The boxes are placed on racks, the bags are hung. Small volumes are conveniently placed on the shelves on top of the refrigerator.

Important! Damage during storage can be caused by nut moth larvae. As preventive measures peeled kernels are subjected to heat treatment.

The main storage condition is to maintain optimal temperatures without sharp fluctuations.

How to keep at home?

Peeled nuts take up less volume than whole nuts. No extra time is needed to extract the kernels from the shell, they are ready to use at any time. Let's see how to properly store peeled walnuts at home, what to focus on.


At the initial stage, it is necessary to sort by removing foreign inclusions. These can be fragments of the shell, internal partitions, branches or leaves. We carefully check the peeled kernels for signs of damage caused by pests. All defective nuts are subject to culling.

Pay attention to the smell and color of the product. Fresh kernels should be light in color and have a characteristic odor, with no signs of mold.

If the nuts were purchased on the market, then as a preventive procedure, the entire batch is placed in a slightly salted solution. Next, the kernels are washed with clean water and thrown back on a sieve.

Do I need to fry (dry) and why do they do it?

The kernels that have been sorted are subjected to drying in order to destroy the larvae of pests, fungal spores, and to evaporate excess condensate and moisture. It is hard to imagine how to preserve shelled walnuts at home without heat treatment. The process is quite simple, but it significantly affects the quality of the product. Heat treatment is carried out in one of the ways.

  1. Kernels are poured into the pan and, stirring constantly, they are heated for about a quarter of an hour. It must be remembered that this is not frying, but heating. Avoid darkening or burning of the top coat.
  2. A layer of kernels 3-4 cm thick is laid out on a baking sheet, and calcined in the oven at a temperature of 150 -170 degrees.

The raw materials are allowed to cool and laid out in small batches in prepared containers.

Important! By purchasing walnuts from a reliable manufacturer, you can eliminate the stages of sorting and heat treatment in preparation for storage.

Where to keep?

Considering where the peeled walnuts will have to be stored in the future, fabric bags, glass or ceramic jars, plastic containers are used for packaging:

  • if the stock is used up quickly enough, then bags or cardboard boxes will do;
  • large volumes are laid out in sterile glass jars and hermetically sealed;
  • plastic containers and sealed vacuum packaging are used to store stock in the refrigerator.

All containers must be washed and dried, and glass containers sterilized.

Is freezing effective?

Let's figure out how to store peeled walnuts in the freezer.

Film bags or plastic containers are suitable as containers. It is desirable that the packaging is airtight. It is important to exclude the penetration of moisture and foreign odors.

The blanks are packed in small batches from 200 to 500 g. Re-freezing is not allowed, so the thawed volume must be used in full.

In the low-temperature zone of the refrigerator, the kernels can be stored for up to a year, with virtually no loss of quality. After thawing, they are completely ready for use.

Useful video

Before use, having bought peeled walnuts on the market, carry out the mandatory processing procedure:


Knowing how to properly store walnuts without shells and comparing the various options, we can draw the following conclusions.

The most suitable place in a house or apartment is a freezer or a food zone of a refrigerator.

The advantages of this method are stable conditions:

  • low temperature without drops;
  • humidity within normal limits;
  • lack of light;
  • sealed packaging.

This method is ideal for long-term and safe storage.

The disadvantages include the lack of space when storing large batches.

In contact with

The taste of walnuts has sunk into my soul since childhood, so I always have them in reserve. And if the nuts are stored in the shell for quite a long time, then I still don’t know what to do with the already peeled kernels. I propose to figure out together how to store peeled walnuts at home.

Quality comes first

Most often, nuts are sold in shell, so when buying, you need to pay attention to:

  • Surface must be clean, without the remains of the dried peel;
  • Whole shell, without visible large cracks and chips;
  • Whole nuts should be about the same size.(example in the photo below);

  • When shaking, there should be no extraneous sounds(if you hear the kernel shaking inside, it means that it has already dried up and such nuts do not have nutritional properties).

Shelf life of inshell walnuts- up to 6 months at temperatures from 0 to +10 °C.

Nuts canbuy and already cleaned condition, but their price will be slightly higher. What you should pay attention to:

  • Smell- fresh nucleoli have a pleasant woody aroma;
  • Taste- if bitterness is present, then the product is not the first freshness;
  • Appearance- stains, mold, insects and their larvae - all this is a reason to refuse a purchase.

Storage specifics

You can store walnuts different ways, but before proceeding with the harvesting process itself, the kernels need to be properly prepared:

Step 1: Clean up

Let's find out how to process and how to peel walnuts with your own hands.

Primary processing:

  • Nuts must be carefully sorted, empty and blackened - throw away;
  • Remove peel and leaves;
  • Sort again and remove already cracked shells.

Now instructions on how to peel a nut from the shell:

Image Recommendations
Method 1. Bag + hammer.
  • Fold in a small bag or wrap nuts in burlap;
  • Tap on top with a hammer;
  • Take out the already peeled kernels.

It is imperative to wrap nuts in burlap, so pieces of the shell will not scatter throughout the room.

Method 2. Nutcracker.

Place whole nuts in the nutcracker opening and squeeze the handles.

Method 3. Boiling water + knife.

Dip the treat in boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. After this time, cracking the shell will become much easier: you can simply squeeze it with your hands or use a knife.

Method 4. Oven.

How to roast nuts in the oven so that they can be easily cleaned later? It is necessary to spread them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 ° C.

After the shell can be removed manually.

Method 5. Tools.

It is easy to crack the shell using pliers, some keys and processing machines.

A wrench is used as an example.

Step 2 Wash

At this stage, we will figure out how to wash peeled walnuts. The algorithm is quite simple: pour the kernels with warm water and mix thoroughly.

After washing, remove the grains from the water with a slotted spoon and dry them by spreading them on a terry towel. Now you can start packing.

Step 3. Packing

Storage of walnuts at home in a shelled form is significantly different from storage in the shell.

  1. The kernels must be packaged in sealed tins or glass jars. and hide in a dark place. At constant (room) temperature, the shelf life will be 2-3 weeks.

  1. If you put the nuts in glass jars and put on the side shelf of the refrigerator– the shelf life will increase up to 6 months;
  2. You can put the kernels in freezer bags, tightly tie and send to the freezer. The term will be up to 12 months.

There are several more methods how to properly store shelled walnuts. For example, you can cook canned blanks. Nuts in honey, caramel or alcohol are stored for up to several years.
