Embryo at six weeks. What happens to the embryo in the sixth week of pregnancy? What tests does the expectant mother take without fail?


What does the baby look like (weight and size of the fetus)

In order to understand what an embryo developing inside you looks like, you need to remember what size a pea of \u200b\u200bblack pepper is. Your baby is about the same size now. The growth of this crumb is no less tiny - from two to four millimeters. So far, it is not necessary to talk about the fetal heartbeat or its position in the uterine cavity. The main thing is that the fetus is fixed in the mucous membrane of the main female organ, at this stage this is the most important thing.

What are the fundamentally important changes in the development of your baby in the sixth week of pregnancy:

  • gradually nerves begin to grow into tiny arms and legs, which means that very soon your baby will begin to move its limbs;
  • the ultrasound machine is already able to distinguish three parts of the brain in a baby - the cerebellum and two hemispheres;
  • an incredible number of nerve cells, which are counted in billions, are now spreading through the body of the fetus;
  • first of all, the nerve cells will reach the oral cavity, and this event will not occur until the tenth obstetric week;
  • the crumbs begin to form the lungs, and with them the entire respiratory system;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes of the fetus, the so-called optical bubbles have already formed, which will soon transform into the retina.

And did you know that the visual cells of a small person begin their development on the very one, but become mature and functional even after the baby is born? By the way, first of all, the vestibular apparatus is formed in the baby. And only then does the sense of touch develop. Behind him, the baby begins to feel the taste, and the last ones to hear and see.


Signs of pregnancy

If you first came to the doctor with a presumed pregnancy at exactly six weeks, the doctor will examine you in a chair, feel your uterus and with 95% confidence will be able to say whether conception really took place. A knowledgeable diagnostician by the volume and shape of the uterus is able to accurately determine the duration of pregnancy. If you want, you can register with the antenatal clinic here and now. But if we were you, we would have walked a little and returned here not earlier than the eleventh week. If you register for pregnancy in the coming days, you will be immediately sent for standard tests:
  • blood test,
  • analysis of urine,
  • smear on the microflora of the vagina.

If you don't feel too eager to start this whole story with tests now, go home and enjoy the last weeks without doctors, referrals and research. Because starting from the twelfth week, all these mandatory components of the correct bearing of a baby will certainly enter your life and will become stronger in it for a long time. If you are ready to start your journey through the antenatal clinic, read the list of mandatory examinations that the doctor will prescribe for you Examination at 6 weeks gestation.

In rare cases, when the health of the fair sex leaves much to be desired, the doctor, having ascertained the fact of pregnancy, sends the expectant mother to be tested for hCG and. Also, an ultrasound scan may be prescribed to her earlier than others. An ultrasound examination will help determine whether there has been a pathological fixation of the embryo outside the uterine cavity and whether the patient has developed an ectopic pregnancy.


If you are absolutely healthy (and we are sure that you are), then the discharge in the sixth week of pregnancy will be the same as usual - slightly whitish, transparent, odorless. The only caveat that you need to know about: the discharge may become a little more. This is because due to hormonal changes in your body, lactic acid bacteria begin to lead a more active lifestyle.

The fair sex, who noticed abundant white discharge on their underwear, similar in structure to whipped cottage cheese, should report this finding to their obstetrician-gynecologist. Most likely, the cause is a common disease in the female environment - candidiasis. This is an unpleasant disease, but it does not conceal any special risks in itself. The main thing is to recover before the baby is born, so as not to infect the baby with thrush at the time of his birth. Don't worry, these are all easy to fix.

But spotting for a period of six weeks, ideally, should not be. Such "surprises" are most often a sign of an incipient spontaneous miscarriage. But don't worry: a timely visit to the doctor will rehabilitate the situation in your favor and in favor of your baby. True, after this, you will have to stay in the hospital for a while under the supervision of medical specialists, so that they are convinced that nothing is threatening you or your baby anymore.


Perhaps for the next few weeks, vomiting and nausea will become your best friends - figuratively, of course. It's time for, but tune in for the best: toxicosis does not happen to everyone and not always. Perhaps your body will be quite resistant to hormonal effects on it from the inside. By the way, it is toxicosis that often causes malnutrition in the early stages of pregnancy. The fair sex is sick of the “right” products and replaces them with the wrong ones. In more detail about nutrition at this period of gestation, we talked here. How to eat at 6 weeks pregnant.


Do's and Don'ts

  • Your immune defenses are now quite low, so avoid frequent visits to crowded places.
  • Beware of hypothermia of the body, because, again, due to the weak work of the body's defenses, you are very susceptible to infectious diseases.
  • If there is no threat of pregnancy, you can continue to enjoy intimacy with the dad of the unborn baby. Do it with pleasure for yourself and for the benefit of the body.
  • The sixth week is a great reason to sign up for gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women. Physical activity must be present in the life of the expectant mother. If it doesn't exist in your life yet, it's time to fill this gap.

Find out more about the taboo at 6 weeks pregnant Do's and don'ts at 6 weeks pregnant.

Proper nutrition

At 6 weeks of gestation, you need to start not from what you can eat, but from what you can eat. Many expectant mothers suffer from early toxicosis, due to which they are unable to eat healthy foods. And if so, then you need to replace, and replace correctly. Vegetables - fruits, porridge - durum pasta, vegetable oil - olive oil and so on. olive without overdoing it with harm.

If you are concerned about constipation, do not resort to the use of medications. Treat tasty and healthy: figs, dried apricots, prunes or beets.


As soon as you register at the antenatal clinic and pass the tests that make up the basic complex, the doctor will be able to objectively assess your general health and tell you which vitamins to take. Self-administration of vitamin complexes to oneself is strictly prohibited. Eat balanced and correct - and then the need for synthetic vitamins will disappear by itself.

The 6th week of pregnancy from conception is also called the eighth obstetric week, when the second month of gestation ends. From this point on, a woman may begin to experience changes in behavior and mood swings. This is due to the first stages of hormonal correction. It is also more likely to cause work fatigue, which usually does not provoke such sensations, as well as a constant desire to sleep.

In part of expectant mothers at 6 weeks from conception, doctors do not observe toxicosis, but despite this, a woman often complains of nausea. That is why it is difficult for her to brush her teeth, as this immediately provokes a gag reflex.

What sensations arise

The first thing that happens at the 6th week of pregnancy from conception is excessive fatigue from the usual things before. Therefore, the father-to-be needs to take care of taking over some of the housework that the woman had previously done. In second place, you can put nausea, it is she who often causes inconvenience to expectant mothers. But this condition can be called quite normal. This is due to the fact that the body is just beginning to get used to the fact that there is a fetus inside it.

As for the exact causes of each of these conditions, they have not yet been studied. Most experts prefer to think that toxicosis has to do with hormonal adjustments. But if more aggressive changes are observed here, namely the occurrence of vomiting more than 4 times per day with simultaneous weight loss, then doctors prefer hospitalization.

As for the more aggressive signs that may indicate an interruption in the position, this includes constant and rather strong pain in the lower abdomen and discharge mixed with blood. Also, during this period, women often feel psychological deviations, which are provoked by a constant stressful state.

How does the embryo develop?

The size of the fetus at the 6th week of pregnancy from conception is approximately 12 mm, but over the next week it will almost double. From this period, the unborn child begins to intensively form the brain system. In this case, the size of the head will always exceed the size of the body. If any detrimental factors affect the embryo during this period, this will lead to violations related to sexual differentiation.

It is these processes that are later capable of influencing the change in a person's sexual orientation. At this time, it is also worth noting the growth of the amniotic cavity, in which fluid accumulates. It will be enough for the fetus to have complete freedom of movement.

Development of sexual characteristics

6 weeks from conception during pregnancy will mean that the fetus is developing the reproductive system. If there is no Y chromosome, then we are talking about the birth of a girl and, in the future, about the development of the ovary. Depending on which sex the fetus has, semen bubbles, ovaries and streams will begin to appear to expel the seed. The female reproductive system develops against the background of the support of the mother's hormones, namely estrogen.

At the end of 5 weeks and at the beginning of 6, the testes of the male fetus will begin to synthesize testosterone. It is this hormone that belongs to the main androgens, it has a major effect on the development of the vas deferens when exposed to the urogenital zone of the unborn child. This hormone is involved in the formation of the external genital organs.

If a woman has any abnormal hormonal changes, this situation is dangerous with the risk of abnormalities in the formation of the uterus of the embryo. In the future, this may provoke the appearance of female characteristics in a male child, or vice versa.

Formation of the nervous system

When the growth of the baby in the sixth week from the moment of conception during pregnancy has exceeded 12 mm, an active development of the nervous

systems. At this stage, the fusion of the brain with the spinal cord takes place, which, with age, affects the complexity of the nerve cell system. Further, the embryo will no longer be able to bend and straighten the neck or make other head movements in different directions.

Note! During this period, the fetus begins to develop certain facial features. The limbs acquire characteristic differences. Next, fingers appear. The formation of the elbows and wrists also occurs.

When the 6th week comes to an end, the baby's eyes will open wide, and pigment appears in the structure of the retina. It is also worth noting the formation of the auricles and the formation of the thymus gland, which will be filled with the lymphocytes of the future newborn.

Ultrasound and analyzes

At the current time, the gynecologist, who leads the pregnancy and monitors the woman's condition, often sends the expectant mother for an ultrasound scan. The main purpose of this survey is to:

  1. At this time, using an ultrasound study, a specialist will be able to determine the viability of the unborn child. The conclusion is made based on the size of the embryo, heart rate, and motor activity.
  2. It is imperative to assess the condition of the uterus, as well as its appendages.
  3. With the help of ultrasound, the doctor will be able to recognize the possible development of some female diseases.
  4. The study will make sure that the attachment of the egg has occurred in the right place, and the pregnancy is not an ectopic one.
  5. If the pregnancy passes without complications, and the fetus develops correctly, the specialist can determine the exact timing of conception, as well as the place of embryo implantation.
  6. Also, a woman can ask a specialist what kind of pregnancy is: multiple or identical. This information will be required for further follow-up and delivery.
  7. If a woman has a problem such as a cystic drift, using an ultrasound scan, the doctor will be able to determine this pathology in time. The specific reasons for this deviation have not yet been precisely determined, but in the future this can provoke the death of the fetus. During this period, an ultrasound scan must be performed without fail, since this ailment is not accompanied by any pronounced symptoms.

In the sixth week of pregnancy, using an ultrasound scan, you can see the already formed small arms and legs of the baby. They are already able to bend and unbend, which will allow observing the first movements of the embryo. As for the sex, it will not be possible to determine it yet, since the organs are just beginning to form.

Most women in our time do not take care of themselves and continue to work until 6-7 months of pregnancy, but this is not entirely correct. During this period, the lifestyle needs certain adjustments. The expectant mother should spend more time outdoors. If possible, it is better to go out of town and walk near the river or in the forest.

It is necessary to exclude all bad habits and avoid large crowds of people. Treatment of even the smallest infection can provoke deviations in the unborn child. It is very important to always be in a good mood and keep yourself in shape. To do this, you can sign up for fitness for pregnant women. Light physical activity will only benefit.


With regard to discharge at this stage of pregnancy, they must be closely monitored. They should not have a pronounced odor and color. If any changes occur, this indicates the presence of infection or other processes unfavorable for the unborn child and mother.

The 6th week of pregnancy from conception corresponds to the eighth obstetric week - the second month of pregnancy ends. Let's take a closer look at how a woman feels at 6 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the fetus during this period and what advice experts give.

Tearfulness Photo from ultrasound How it grows
corpuscles phase
difficulty changes how much

Signs of an interesting situation

At the 6th week of pregnancy, a woman already knows for sure about the birth of a new life inside her. Expectant parents begin to actively prepare for a new role, plan the future together with a new family member. If, for some reason, the expectant mother does not know about anything, at this time it is high time to suspect an "interesting situation", because the symptoms are becoming more pronounced and obvious.

The delay is already 3-4 weeks, in addition, you can notice the following signs of a developing pregnancy at 6 weeks:

  • constant mood swings;
  • tearfulness;
  • the appearance of constipation;
  • the appearance of secretions that were not previously there;
  • discoloration of the labia;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased salivation;
  • skin pigmentation.

One of the most unpleasant and at the same time characteristic symptoms is toxicosis. Regular morning sickness, intolerance to odors will push even the most slow-witted expectant mother to the right thoughts.

Tearfulness when carrying a child

How the fetus develops

At 6 weeks gestation, fetal development is still at an incredible pace. Its size has increased almost 5 times over the past four weeks and is 13-19 mm, and the baby weighs about 3 grams. He already resembles a man with small arms and legs, as well as the outlines of a face just beginning to appear.

The fetus at the 6th embryonic week of pregnancy will experience the following changes.

  1. Nostrils, auricles, eyes are formed.
  2. Taste papillae begin to appear on the tongue.
  3. The olfactory receptors are laid.
  4. The organs of the digestive tract are laid.
  5. The tail gradually begins to fade.
  6. The heart becomes four-chambered.
  7. The kidneys begin to develop.
  8. The brain is divided into halves, gyrus begins to form in it.
  9. The formation of the genitals begins.
  10. The nervous system continues to develop and improve.
  11. The baby begins to actively move, swim in the amniotic fluid.
  12. Ossification of some parts of the skeleton occurs.

From this list it is clear that the baby has come a long way in a very short period. From several cells, in four weeks, he turned into a tiny semblance of a human, and also acquired the most important organs for life, which will develop and improve right up to the very birth.

What will ultrasound show?

At this time, the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy often sends the expectant mother for ultrasound diagnostics. An ultrasound scan, which is done at 6 weeks of gestation, is usually not required to establish the very fact of conception. At this time, it can be determined during a routine gynecological examination. Its main goal is to identify possible pathologies.

  1. First of all, the doctor must make sure that the egg is attached in the right place and that the pregnancy is not ectopic.
  2. In addition, research helps to identify a problem such as bladder skid. The causes of this pathology are still unknown; it manifests itself as a tumor-like growth of the chorion, which leads to the death of the fetus. Moreover, all external factors show the normal course of pregnancy, which does not allow diagnosing the pathology.
  3. At 6 weeks, ultrasound can already be used to determine the viability of the fetus. The doctor makes a conclusion based on the size of the embryo, heart rate, and its motor activity. However, due to the early period, for any diagnosis, it is better to undergo another examination with another specialist in order to exclude the possibility of error.
  4. If the pregnancy develops as expected, the doctor during the procedure will determine the exact time of conception, the place of embryo implantation (the back wall of the uterus is considered ideal), and the presence of multiple pregnancies. In the latter case, the specialist must also say whether the pregnancy is identical or multi-egg - this is important for further observation and childbirth.
  5. Also, the condition of the uterus and its appendages are assessed without fail, possible "female" diseases of the expectant mother are identified.

At 6 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus allows you to see tiny arms and legs in the ultrasound photograph. They are already bending and unbending, and on the monitor of the device you can follow the baby's movements. It is not yet possible to determine the sex of the child, since the genitals have just begun their development, but it is already possible to consider the forming eyes and the tip of the nose.

Photo of the baby with ultrasound

The doctor should also assess the correct development of the fetal heart, listen to its beating. For this period, the norm is a heart rate of 150 beats per minute.

NutritionToxicosis can prevent a woman from eating properly and getting enough nutrients. Try eating a few croutons or nuts right in bed in the morning - this will help you get rid of the feeling of nausea. Tea with ginger is also useful - it is useful to drink it for breakfast. Choose foods that don't make you feel sick, but choose foods that contain the maximum amount of nutrients. Prefer steamed vegetables over sausage sandwich and a glass of milk over store juice. Try not to overuse sweets.
DiseasesAny diseases in the first trimester are highly undesirable, as they can affect the development of the fetus. You need to carefully monitor your health, avoid any risk factors, and at the first symptoms of even such a common disease as a cold, visit a doctor. In no case should one engage in self-treatment, since most medicines are toxic to the fetus, and not all folk recipes are safe for a pregnant woman. Only a specialist will be able to choose the most effective and safe treatment regimen.
SexAt 6 weeks of pregnancy, if you count from conception, due to an intense hormonal surge, a woman can experience both a strong increase in libido and a complete lack of it. If you feel the desire, then, provided you feel well, do not deny yourself intimacy. However, do not forget that there are contraindications for which sex is prohibited. Usually this is an increased tone of the uterus, the threat of termination, unhealthy discharge, multiple pregnancy.
LifestyleIn the absence of complications, there is no reason to radically change your lifestyle. You can do the usual things, of course, adjusted for the situation. Moderate exercise, trips, visiting friends, long walks - all this will only benefit the expectant mother, since not only her physical health, but also good mood is important for the baby's proper development. The only thing that needs to be abandoned once and for all is smoking and drinking. These bad habits are incompatible with bearing a child.
Observation by a gynecologist6 weeks is a suitable period for the first visit to the gynecologist. On your first visit, your doctor will prescribe multiple referrals for testing. Do not be afraid of their number - there are a lot of them only for the first time, and in the future you will only need to repeat certain studies from time to time. Also, the gynecologist will measure your height, weight, pelvic dimensions and give directions for visiting other specialists. Usually this is an ophthalmologist, dentist, therapist, ENT, endocrinologist. The doctor must make sure of the health of the expectant mother and the absence of factors that can complicate the course of pregnancy.

Changes in the mother's body

The woman's body is also undergoing changes during this week. Despite the fact that nothing is outwardly visible, internal changes are in full swing.

  1. The uterus continues to grow, about the size of a grapefruit.
  2. The nipples and areolas enlarge, and large veins appear on the chest.
  3. The increase in the production of estrogen and progesterone hinders the functioning of the digestive organs, leading to constipation.
  4. For the same reason, a woman may experience heartburn.
  5. Increased blood circulation can cause varicose veins.
  6. At the 6th week of pregnancy, you may feel cramps in the abdomen - thus, the body adapts to the new condition.

What the belly of a pregnant woman looks like at 6 weeks - you can see the photos. External manifestations are still completely invisible: the waist remains the same, and only because of the enlargement of the uterus, tight tight clothing can create a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen.

Possible feelings of a woman

Feelings of a mother at 6 weeks of pregnancy remain the same. As a rule, these are weakness, drowsiness, mood swings, general lethargy. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about it - you just have to wait for the end of the first trimester. Experts say that only good sleep, proper nutrition, fresh air and physical activity can help a woman. If opportunities permit, try to spend more time outside the city. Clean air and a change of scenery are great ways to improve your well-being.

  1. Toxicosis still does not leave the expectant mother. Someone has already got used to this state, and someone only first learned what it is this week.
  2. Due to the enlarged uterus, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. However, this unpleasant symptom is not a reason to drink less. You need to drink about one and a half liters of liquid per day. Try to drink more pure water and not overuse drinks that have diuretic properties.
  3. At 6 weeks gestation, a woman may notice how her facial features have changed under the influence of hormones. The lips become plump, and the nose becomes slightly larger. These changes do not happen to everyone, and in any case, they will disappear after childbirth.

How a baby grows and develops

Discharge from the future parent

The discharge at 6 weeks of gestation should be uniform, odorless, transparent or light white. Any changes signal the presence of a genital infection in the body. In this case, you must definitely see a doctor and stop all intimate contact.

Any discharge with blood at the 6th week of pregnancy, as well as brown discharge, is a sign of pathology. In this case, an urgent medical examination and ultrasound examination are required. If an ultrasound scan shows that the development of the fetus is proceeding normally, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment for maintaining the pregnancy and the miscarriage can be prevented. In the mildest cases, bed rest will be sufficient to stop the bleeding that has begun.

Why does the lower abdomen pull?

In almost all expectant mothers at the 6th week of pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls from conception. This is due to the enlargement of the uterus: the muscles and ligaments are stretched, and the woman experiences mild spasms and moderate pain. Such symptoms are completely safe: they do not look like menstrual pains, they are more superficial and are rather pulling in nature. If pain interferes with your lifestyle, consult your doctor, he may prescribe you antispasmodics or a vitamin complex that will relieve symptoms.

A pregnant woman should be alerted by sharp cramping or severe pulling pains in the very lower abdomen. They can talk about hypertonicity of the uterus and the possible threat of termination of pregnancy. Such symptoms are especially dangerous if they are accompanied by brown or scarlet discharge. In such a situation, do not hesitate a minute and call an ambulance.

It is interesting that the fourth week from the moment of conception is already considered the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy. Usually at this time a woman, if she does not yet know, then begins to guess about her interesting situation, the reason for which is the absence of menstruation and the beginning of early toxicosis. The embryo's heart is already beating this week, so it's easy to fix it during an ultrasound scan.

What happens in the sixth week

Almost half of the third trimester is over. At the 6th week of pregnancy, the pharmacy test already shows two bright stripes, which confirm the woman's pleasant position. The embryo continues to grow and develop, reaching a length of 2-5 mm. In shape, it already resembles a fruit, it has a noticeable outline of a head and tail, which will soon disappear. He does not yet look like a man, most likely a small fish or a tadpole.

The woman's uterus increases slightly in size, becoming spherical. In its shape and size in the sixth week of pregnancy, it resembles a plum. If a woman suspects pregnancy, she usually goes to an antenatal clinic almost immediately. On examination, a gynecologist may already notice an increase in the uterus and establish the expected duration of pregnancy.

In the woman's body, restructuring continues, aimed at preparing for the upcoming bearing of the fetus and childbirth. Under the influence of hormones, a pregnant woman's mood changes from the 6th week, irritability appears, as well as dizziness and lethargy. These symptoms disappear after adaptation of the organism.

Changes in a woman's body

In the female body, the production of the hormone progesterone increases, which is necessary to maintain the vitality of the fetus. Its action strengthens the mucous walls of the constantly growing uterus and increases the blood supply necessary for the correct development of the embryo. It also protects a woman's body from infections and the action of pathogens.

The load on a woman's organs is already increasing. For example, the kidneys and liver begin to work with a vengeance. A woman's heart muscle also begins to work harder, because it is necessary to ensure sufficient blood circulation not only to important organs, but also to the uterus. In some women, an increase in blood pressure can be detected in connection with such changes.

Changes in a woman also occur in the respiratory system. After all, oxygen is now required twice as much as usual.

The hormone progesterone negatively affects the digestive system, which leads to its slowing down, as well as nausea and vomiting. Changes, starting from the 6th week of pregnancy, occur in the woman's appearance, which are also triggered by changes in the hormonal background. These include:

  • swelling of the chest, veins become more visible;
  • a woman may feel sore nipples when touched;
  • darkening of the skin on the nipples and areola;
  • the appearance of acne and acne, a general deterioration in the condition of the skin.

Weight this week practically does not change, a slight increase is possible - about 500 g. In some women, due to severe toxicosis in the first months, the weight is significantly reduced.

Signs of pregnancy in the sixth week

Already from the sixth week of pregnancy, the symptoms characteristic of this condition are more and more clearly manifested, the main of which is the delay in menstruation. Also, with a repeated pregnancy, a woman may feel that her clothes are becoming small. But this is not a sign of an exponentially growing abdomen. This is due to the fact that muscles weaken with each new pregnancy.

Other signs include:

  • nausea and vomiting in the morning and other symptoms of toxicosis. This state is normal, because the body begins to rebuild itself to a new metabolism;
  • increased body temperature. In this case, body aches, fatigue, lethargy, apathy and dizziness may appear. An increase to 37-37.2 degrees is considered normal. If the thermometer shows higher numbers, then this is a reason to visit a doctor;
  • changes in taste preferences. A woman may start to eat those foods that previously disgusted her;
  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands. This is due to the fact that the body is already preparing for the upcoming breastfeeding;
  • increased sensitivity of the nipples and darkening of the areolas;
  • increased salivation and constant hunger. But, despite the increased appetite, it does not recommend overeating, because this can cause an attack of nausea;
  • increased urination;
  • frequent mood swings. A woman may laugh, and after a few minutes she may be saddened;
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen. In the event that such pains are permanent, it is recommended to consult with a gynecologist to exclude the pathology of pregnancy.

Also, the 6th week of pregnancy can manifest itself in the form of bloody discharge. This may be due to cervical erosion, polyps. Even if the discharge is in small quantities and does not cause discomfort to the woman, then you should play it safe and seek advice from a gynecologist to exclude an ectopic pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage.

It is too early to talk about a "pregnant" belly, because the uterus has not yet reached such a size for such changes to occur.

Other signs of pregnancy are bowel problems - colic and, as well as the appearance of heartburn.

Feelings of a woman

The sensations of every woman during this period are individual and depend on the characteristics of the organism. Some may feel quite normal, only sometimes worrying that they no longer have any symptoms other than a delay in menstruation and a striped test. Other expectant mothers from the sixth week begin to feel the symptoms of early toxicosis, which continues to torment the pregnant woman on average up to 12-17 weeks.

A woman's senses and sensations are aggravated, she feels smells, tastes and sounds more sharply. Drowsiness, fatigue and weakness appear, which is due to the increased energy costs of the body to maintain the viability of the embryo.

In addition to all of the above, during this period, unpleasant sensations may appear in the lower abdomen, which are associated with the continuous growth and enlargement of the uterus, as well as stretching of the ligaments that hold it. Changes in hormonal levels, which mainly affect the emotional state of a woman, lead to the appearance of other sensations that characterize the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy.

Discharge from the genital tract in the sixth week

In the first trimester of pregnancy, clear or milky discharge without a specific odor, discomfort and with a uniform consistency is the norm. They are associated with hormonal changes in the body, so they should not cause any concern in women.

The appearance of thrush at the 6th week of pregnancy can also be one of the symptoms of an interesting situation. This is due to the fact that as a result of the production of hCG, a woman's immunity is weakened, and the activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora occurs. Treatment of thrush in the first trimester is not carried out, since this disease does not affect the course of pregnancy.

Yellow, greenish and brown discharge is a dangerous symptom.... They may indicate the presence of an infection in the body, as well as possible bleeding. To determine the pathogens, it will be necessary to pass a smear, on the basis of which the doctor will prescribe the optimal and safe treatment.


An ultrasound scan can determine the 6th week of pregnancy by the presence of an ovum in the uterine cavity. It is already 25 mm, and the size of the embryo itself is about 2-5 mm. During the scan, the specialist sees an increase in the uterus, as well as the attachment of the embryo to a specific wall (back, front, or side). The unborn child looks like a small black dot or comma on the screen.

The main confirmation of pregnancy is the fetal heartbeat, which can already be recorded by the sensor.

Fetus at 6 weeks

At the 6th week of pregnancy, the embryo already reaches the size of a peppercorn, and the baby weighs only about 2 g. In shape, it resembles a tadpole with gills, and with multiple increase, its head, body and a kind of tail stand out noticeably. Later, the tail process will hide inward and become the end of the spine.

The fetus undergoes the following changes:

  • the limbs of the future baby, more and more begin to take shape with hints of knee and elbow bends;
  • bone and muscle tissue continues to develop actively;
  • active formation of the skull occurs;
  • the neural tube, located on the back, in this period begins to be tightened with a thin layer of tissue. At its upper end, the brain is formed;
  • the face of the future baby is becoming more and more expressive every day. In addition to the rudiments of the eyes, mouth and nose, the cheeks and future chin begin to form;
  • in the sixth week, internal organs also appear in the embryo - the spleen, liver, intestinal loops, as well as the lungs and chest;
  • the genitals are already outlined, but it is still impossible to determine the sex of the child by these rudiments;
  • the main organ responsible for immunity is formed - the thymus gland.

The most important event in the development of the embryo, which characterizes the 6th week of pregnancy, is the presence of a heartbeat. On an ultrasound examination, depending on when fertilization occurred, it can already be recorded at the end of the 5th to the beginning of the 6th week. The fetal heart rate is approximately 150 beats per minute. This figure is twice as high as that of a healthy adult. After all, the smaller the organ, the more intensively it must work.

But the baby's heart has not yet fully formed and is not able to perform all the necessary functions. Therefore, some of its work is performed by the liver, for example, it performs the function of hematopoiesis.

Muscle tissue begins to actively form. The embryo develops an increased sensitivity, and it is already able to respond to external stimuli. The embryo is located in the amniotic fluid, the volume of which is 3 ml. During this period, the placenta also continues to develop. Until its complete formation, the embryo is nourished by the yolk sac.

Surprisingly, thanks to the developed umbilical cord, the baby is already moving. True, due to the tiny size of the unborn child, the mother so far cannot feel his movements.

Possible problems

At the 6th week of pregnancy, a woman who finds out about her situation should consult a gynecologist, especially if she belongs to a risk group.

These groups include women who have:

  • past pregnancies ended in miscarriage or premature birth;
  • age over 35;
  • there are genetic diseases in the family;
  • There are disorders in the endocrine system;
  • A history of chronic infectious or sexually transmitted diseases.

At the reception, a specialist will examine the uterus and vagina, record their changes, and also prescribe tests. They are necessary in order to exclude a number of unwanted problems - an ectopic or frozen pregnancy, as well as other pathologies.

It is also possible the appearance of pulling pains, which can be both normal and indicate pathological processes. Therefore, if a pregnant woman has a stomach ache, then you should not delay a visit to the antenatal clinic.

Despite the fact that toxicosis is not a disease, in some cases it can still have a negative effect. Due to the fact that the symptoms of toxicosis during this period only intensify, and a woman can be covered with frequent bouts of vomiting, there is a large loss of nutrients. Therefore, if vomiting occurs more than 6 times a day, then this is a reason for visiting a doctor.

In the sixth week of pregnancy, a woman should be as careful as possible about her health and well-being, since there is still a very high risk of ectopic pregnancy - about 15-20%.

Its symptoms are bleeding and soreness in the lower abdomen.

To prevent spontaneous termination of pregnancy, a woman should refuse:

  • excessive physical exertion, as well as lifting weights;
  • active sexual contacts. At the same time, if there are no contraindications, it is not worth giving up completely intimacy. It is worth limiting only too rough and active movements;
  • taking hot baths and visiting baths and saunas. To perform hygiene procedures, it is best to use a shower;
  • visits to public institutions and places of large crowds. This is due to the fact that in such places the risk of catching an infection increases, which can negatively affect the development of the child and even lead to a miscarriage;
  • it is recommended to limit contact with pets. And also the 6th obstetric week of pregnancy requires the elimination of negative factors at work. If you have a high fever or after a fall, you should immediately visit a gynecologist.

What to look for

Nutrition. If you are registered for pregnancy, the doctor will most likely prescribe a vitamin complex and give other recommendations.

  • Meals should be varied and balanced. Preference should be given to foods with a high protein content - fish, poultry, seafood, as well as food rich in vitamins, trace elements, especially calcium and folic acid;
  • You should refuse to take medications without a doctor's prescription, as well as X-ray and fluorographic examinations;
  • In order not to burden the weakened digestive system at 6 weeks of gestation, it is necessary to eat in small portions 6-7 times a day. And also for this purpose, you should abandon fried and fatty foods. The best option for the gastrointestinal tract at this stage will be boiled food or steamed dishes;
  • It is important to drink more fluids in order to remove excess salt from the body, which leads to bouts of vomiting;
  • A healthy lifestyle should be maintained. Alcohol and tobacco smoke are among the most important enemies for the proper development of a baby. After all, the laying of important organs and systems occurs precisely at an early date. So is it worth risking a child's health for a bottle of beer or a cigarette?
  • Get more rest. A pregnant woman should be provided with adequate sleep for at least 8 hours. After all, hormones in the body literally boil, and in combination with toxicosis, this gives an even greater burden on the body. The result is fatigue and irritability. Adequate sleep will greatly facilitate this period and help you gain vitality.
  • Try to protect yourself from stressful situations. During this period, it is important to maintain a good mood, which will also have a positive effect on the development of the unborn child;
  • Frequent exposure to fresh air is recommended;
  • Due to the fact that the 6th week can begin with toxicosis, to suppress an attack of nausea, it is necessary to arrange a light snack right in bed. You can also use a slice of lemon or white bread. Just in case, you should carry a small snack with you to interrupt the attacks of nausea that arise;
  • It's time to give up tight and uncomfortable clothes. You should give preference to loose-fitting clothes made from natural fabric;
  • In the event that a pregnant woman has dental problems, it is recommended to visit the dentist's office for oral cavity sanitation. It should be remembered that some types of anesthesia are contraindicated during pregnancy, so you should notify the doctor about your interesting situation.

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At the 6th week of pregnancy, very serious hormonal changes occur in a woman's body - the synthesis of pituitary hormones decreases, the production of prolactin increases, and the thyroid gland may increase. The signs of pregnancy are becoming obvious, the 6th week of pregnancy is the time to register with an antenatal clinic, undergo an examination by a gynecologist, do an ultrasound scan and pass all the necessary tests.

  • 5th week of pregnancy
  • 7th week of pregnancy

On the 5 weeks pregnant the future baby's internal systems are being formed, and the expectant mother gets used to the news of her pregnancy. How will it go, what organs and systems will form in the baby, as well as what changeswill occur in the body of a pregnant woman, let's find out more in our material.


this week the baby is already a month old, he continues to actively develop, in the body of the expectant mother also undergoes serious changes. Due to the characteristic symptoms, if before this period you did not know about your pregnancy, then now is the time to pay attention to your condition, do it, go to an ultrasound scan and go to an appointment with a gynecologist.


At the 6th week of pregnancy, a serious one continues: the synthesis of pituitary hormones, which are responsible for menstrual function, decreases, the maturation of new eggs stops, and menstruation does not occur.

The production of prolactin increases 5-10 times, this is due to the preparation of the mammary glands for feeding.

Also for a period of 6 weeks due to the increased dynamics of metabolic processes in the expectant mother the thyroid gland may enlarge... Most often this is a natural process that does not require treatment, but do not neglect the examination by a gynecologist and endecrinologist. During pregnancy, a decrease in the function of the parathyroid glands is possible, which is accompanied by changes in calcium metabolism, therefore, seizures may occur.


At 6 weeks continues active child development, its vital organs are formed... Now the baby is still very tiny: he is about 5 mm long, and his weight is 5-7 g, but he is already exactly one month old! It is surrounded by about 2-3 ml. amniotic fluid and it looks like a small tadpole with a tail.

During 6 weeks of pregnancy, the formation of the chest occurs, handles and legs baby as well cartilage tissue, from which the skeletal and muscular system is subsequently formed.

Also passing now development of facial features: the mouth, nose, eyes, jaws and ears are formed, laid down and developed liver, stomach and the pancreas, lungs, thymus.

It is at the 6th week of pregnancy in the fetus the neural tube is tightenedfrom which the brain begins to form, convolutions and depressions are formed in it, and active division of nerve cells also occurs. Begins formation of immunetoddler systems, the rudiment of the bone marrow appears.

Also now inside the female body is the process of attachment of the placenta to the inner wall of the uterus... While the placenta is still very small, after attachment it will enter an active growth process. This organ is very important for the baby, because it is responsible for nutrition, breathing, hormone production and protection from the harmful effects of the environment.

With the help of high-quality ultrasound equipment at the 6th week of pregnancy, you can hear how in a 4-week-old embryo beats his littlelike a tube a heart. Circulatory processthe baby is already working through the liverwhich produces blood cells.


At the 6th week of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone continues its active work in the body of the expectant mother: with its help, the mucous walls of the uterus are strengthened, which will ensure sufficient blood supply to the fetus.

Due to increased blood supply in a pregnant woman, fill and enlarge the mammary glands, nipples become more sensitive, and the areolae may darken.

Beyond the traditional toxicosis, the onset of pregnancy in some expectant mothers is accompanied by weakness, sleepiness and rapid fatigability, in others the state tranquility, and the third, on the contrary, increased nervous irritability, tearfulness and irritability.

These changes are associated with hormonal changes that occur in the female body. As soon as the female body adapts to a new role, and most often this happens by 10-14 weeks of pregnancy, all unpleasant sensations, as a rule, stop.


Since the baby is now developing very actively, for the growth and functioning of all body systems he needs proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Of course, if the expectant mother is tormented by bouts of toxicosis, it is rather difficult to talk about good nutrition, but remember that now vitamins of group B and E, calcium and phosphorus are important for the formation and development of the nervous system and internal organs of the baby.

  • general urine analysis,
  • general blood analysis,
  • analysis to determine the blood group and Rh factor,
  • analysis for syphilis and HIV,
  • analysis for the diagnosis of viral hepatitis B and C,
  • blood test for TORCH infection (toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and herpes virus),
  • blood sugar test,
  • blood clotting test (coagulogram),
  • vaginal smear for microscopic examination.

If, based on the results of the tests performed, the doctor has concerns about the state of health of the pregnant woman, the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby, the expectant mother will have to undergo additional examinations.

Also, during the first visit, the gynecologist will refer the expectant mother to examinations by narrow specialists: therapist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist and otolaryngologist, you will also need to do an electrocardiogram.

To confirm the presence of pregnancy, determine if it is ectopic, detect multiple pregnancies and establish its exact term, a pregnant gynecologist can direct you to ultrasound.

All received data of anamnesis, examinations, clinical, laboratory examinations and ultrasound results are entered into the exchange card of the pregnant woman.


6 weeks pregnant: it's worth starting if you haven't done so before. Choose vitamins according to the recommendation of your gynecologist, and also pay attention that if you take them during that period of the day when you are not tormented by bouts of nausea.

Due to the fact that at 6 weeks the formation of the neural tube ends in the baby and the formation of the brain begins, it is still necessary for the further development of the fetus.